Natural Cures For Yeast Infection - 8 Remedies to Cure Your Candidiasis Safely and Holistically
Having a yeast infection (a.
Candidiasis) can be quite a predicament, especially for women.
Although treatment methods abound, not all of them are recommendable.
In fact, some may even be risky especially to pregnant women who have Candidiasis.
This is why it's important to be aware about alternative, all-natural remedies that are jus as effective.
Here are eight (8) of the most-effective natural cures for yeast infection available: 1.
Plain Yogurt - One of the best methods of fighting Candida infection is by introducing "Probiotic" bacteria into your body.
This is done by dipping a tampon into the plain yogurt and then inserting it into the vagina for about an hour.
CAUTION: Never use sweetened or flavored yogurt to do this.
Yeast loves sugar.
You must also make sure that the yogurt you buy has "active cultures" on the label.
Essential Tea Tree Oil - Tea tree oil has a compound known as terpinen-04-ol that has been show to be effective in curing yeast overgrowth.
This kind of essential oil must be applied directly to the infected area.
Garlic - One of the best natural cures for yeast infection is garlic.
It can be used as a suppository (meaning it must be inserted into the vagina, to be removed later) to remedy the extreme itching symptom of vaginal Candidiasis.
Apple Cider Vinegar - Must be diluted in water and applied to the areas that are regularly prone to acquiring yeast infection.
Olive Leaf Extract - This is also another natural substance that is used to treat this kind of infection.
It can also be mixed with grapefruit seed extract to create a better curative tonic.
Boric Acid - Another substance that has proven to be one of the most effective natural cures for yeast infection is Boric acid.
It contains natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that have been shown to quickly and significantly alleviate itching and other symptoms.
Colloidal Silver - You must purchase a superior brand of colloidal silver, which can be taken orally or applied directly to the infected body part (vaginal suppositories).
Bentonite Clay - Is a substance that is very effective in cleaning the intestinal walls from yeast infection.
Do note that Bentonite clay by itself cannot cure Intestinal Candidiasis.
It is however, an excellent addition to your Candida-treatment regiment.
Candidiasis) can be quite a predicament, especially for women.
Although treatment methods abound, not all of them are recommendable.
In fact, some may even be risky especially to pregnant women who have Candidiasis.
This is why it's important to be aware about alternative, all-natural remedies that are jus as effective.
Here are eight (8) of the most-effective natural cures for yeast infection available: 1.
Plain Yogurt - One of the best methods of fighting Candida infection is by introducing "Probiotic" bacteria into your body.
This is done by dipping a tampon into the plain yogurt and then inserting it into the vagina for about an hour.
CAUTION: Never use sweetened or flavored yogurt to do this.
Yeast loves sugar.
You must also make sure that the yogurt you buy has "active cultures" on the label.
Essential Tea Tree Oil - Tea tree oil has a compound known as terpinen-04-ol that has been show to be effective in curing yeast overgrowth.
This kind of essential oil must be applied directly to the infected area.
Garlic - One of the best natural cures for yeast infection is garlic.
It can be used as a suppository (meaning it must be inserted into the vagina, to be removed later) to remedy the extreme itching symptom of vaginal Candidiasis.
Apple Cider Vinegar - Must be diluted in water and applied to the areas that are regularly prone to acquiring yeast infection.
Olive Leaf Extract - This is also another natural substance that is used to treat this kind of infection.
It can also be mixed with grapefruit seed extract to create a better curative tonic.
Boric Acid - Another substance that has proven to be one of the most effective natural cures for yeast infection is Boric acid.
It contains natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that have been shown to quickly and significantly alleviate itching and other symptoms.
Colloidal Silver - You must purchase a superior brand of colloidal silver, which can be taken orally or applied directly to the infected body part (vaginal suppositories).
Bentonite Clay - Is a substance that is very effective in cleaning the intestinal walls from yeast infection.
Do note that Bentonite clay by itself cannot cure Intestinal Candidiasis.
It is however, an excellent addition to your Candida-treatment regiment.