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Why Are You Eating What You Are Eating Right Now?

You are what you eat?It's really more like you are what you think.
When it comes to eating or eating badly or eating too much, it's more accurately you are what you are thinking while you are eating.
Can you follow that?It's what your subconscious is ruminating about that effects how your food is digested and absorbed.
How do you feel after you've eaten too much, not enough, or food that doesn't contribute to your health?Does it make you feel bad, good or indifferent?Hear yourself, the words that come to mind mean something to your nutrition.
Now consider this.
Why do you eat?The first thing you might think, of course, is that you are hungry.
That would be the best answer but often is not the true reason.
Stop and consider what is driving you to devour something.
What is your mood?Are you happy, sad, depressed, angry?It makes a difference to not only your digestive process but also to your lack of well-being and possible weight gain.
When you are ready to eat something, stop a moment and realize what it is you need at that moment.
Are you tired and need rest or do you need something nutritious?Would jumping up and down revive your energy?Would calling someone shed the loneliness?Or would sitting down and breathing deeply for a while relieve the stress?Expressing your emotions and desires are often suppressed by stuffing down food that is not required to maintain the body's energy supply.
Eating to mask the truth can be perilous to good health.
Don't do it.
It's too risky.
Begin a new habit.
Before you eat a snack or while you are having a meal begin to pay attention to how you are feeling.
Are you relaxed, eating slowly and aware of what your body needs?Are you gulping down food like it might be snatched away?The adrenal glands secrete a hormone called cortisol when a person is stressed.
It makes the body store fat rather than utilizing the food's energy.
It also stresses the body causing quicker aging.
Make a choice to eat in a calm, relaxed environment.
Begin to notice what you really want when you are choosing to eat.
Is it a hunger to supply yourself with nutrition or is it a physical or emotional hunger that could be better served by doing something else?It's up to you.
Being mindful about what goes in your mouth and why you are eating it effects you more than you can imagine.

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