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ADHD and Anxiety - Is There a Connection?

ADHD and anxiety are more common together than many people think. If you are dealing with insecurity, worry, feeling jumpy, or feeling self conscious, you may be dealing with an anxiety disorder. More people actually deal with this problem than you may realize. In fact, studies show that about 16% of the popular deals with an anxiety disorder. It is important to realize this connection between anxiety and ADHD so you can better understand how to treat the problem.

When to Worry

You may be wondering when you should start worrying about anxiety if you are already dealing with ADHD problems. Well, certain types of anxiety are normal. Normal anxiety usually occurs from time to time when dealing with possible failure or loss. It helps you to respond to challenges in life and actually sharpens your attention, equipping you to meet challenges you face.

An anxiety order is different from normal anxiety. When you deal with anxiety longer than normal or your anxiety is very intense, this is considered an anxiety disorder. Disorders can lead to phobia problems as well. If there is no real threat and you continue to worry until you are not able to function in a normal manner, you probably are dealing with an anxiety disorder. If you feel this way, it is important that you talk to your doctor about the problem.

Anxiety and ADHD - Why Haven't You Heard About It?

Maybe you haven't heard about the ADHD and anxiety connection. You may be wondering you haven't heard of it often. This is often because people don't realize they are dealing with an anxiety disorder. On a regular basis, people think their anxiety is a normal part of their life, so the actual disorder is never brought to life. Other people tend to deny that they have an anxiety problem because they feel that being afraid is not acceptable. Certain people become good at avoiding the things that make them anxious, so they rarely deal with any of the symptoms.

Others are not aware they are dealing with an anxiety disorder because the symptoms they are dealing with don't seem to be associated with an anxiety problem. Fear and worry are the main symptoms of anxiety disorders. Often those who deal with physical symptoms finally seek treatment for the problems they are dealing with, not realizing that anxiety is the root problem causing these issues.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Many different symptoms come along with anxiety. Some are easy to see while others may be more difficult to identify. It's a good idea to know what symptoms to look for if you already deal with ADHD problems. Here is a look at both the emotional symptoms and the physical symptoms that you may deal with when you are dealing with anxiety.

First, let's take a look at the emotional and psychological symptoms that may occur when dealing with anxiety disorders. Some of the biggest signs include dread, unease, and apprehension. You may feel on edge or restless and may deal with selective attention or impaired concentration. Sometimes jumpiness and nervousness may occur, as well as avoidance. Insecurity, confusion, irritability, fear or dying, and feeling like you need to escape are all symptoms of this problem as well.

Not only are there emotional symptoms of anxiety, but you may experience various physical symptoms as well. Some of the common physical symptoms include seating, chest pains, racing heart rate, feeling short of breath, and sweating. Some people deal with chills and hot flashes, as well as stomach problems. Muscle tension, aches, twitches, tremors, and headaches, are also common. Other physical symptoms may include fatigue and insomnia.

Managing Both Problems

Now that you understand that there is a connection between ADHD and anxiety, it is important to manage both of your problems. If you already have ADHD and you think you have experienced signs of anxiety disorders, it is definitely helpful to discuss this problem with your doctor. You'll also find that many treatments are available that can help you treat both of the problems. Talking to an ADHD coach may help, using herbal supplements may be beneficial, and various other alternative treatments are available. Find a quality option that will allow you to effectively treat both of the problems.

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