Health & Medical Depression

Severe Depression - Does Treatment Work?

Severe depression can drastically affect the lives of individuals who have this illness.
They may stop enjoying activities that they once enjoyed, feel tired all the time, sleep more than normal, and have persistent negative thoughts.
It also limits an individual's ability to function normally at work, home, and in social situations.
While it's normal for individuals to have days where they feel blue or sad, it can create a persistent negative mood and feelings.
Those with severe symptoms and the individuals who care about them may wonder whether treatment will make a difference.
The fog and the symptoms can make the illness seem endless and hopeless.
Caregivers can become run down and burned out as they try to help and deal with the negative moods and thoughts.
Many depressed individuals do not seek treatment because they are afraid that nothing will help.
They may also be ashamed and think that they are weak.
Others may be unsure of whether their moods are normal or not or assume that the problem will go away.
While it is becoming more common for individuals to get help, some still do not for these reasons.
Research has shown that it seems related to be psychological and genetic causes.
In some cases the first episode may be triggered by a traumatic life event.
However, repeated episodes seem related to brain chemistry and function more than life events.
Studies have also shown that it appears to run in families, making those people with a family history of it more likely to suffer from the illness at some point in their life.
The good news is that most people will find reduced symptoms after beginning treatment.
It's been studied extensively by researchers and while many aspects are still not known, medications, treatments, and our understanding of the disease gets better each day as more research is done on the illness.
Although individuals may not find immediate relief, medical professionals are able to help most people with medications and other treatments.
If you or someone you know suffers from severe depression, seek help through a qualified professional.
Why continue to suffer alone when medication or other treatments can help you get your life back on track.
You can find your life and personality back and reconnect with the relationships that are important to you.

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