Business & Finance Blogging

Choosing Between a Blog and a Website

Choosing between a website and a blog can be quite a cumbersome task if you have been planning to advertise your product or express your feelings. A website is a much more formal method of describing any information and is used to sell products and services online. Blog is totally different method of communicating information and is used in a very casual style for explaining the product or is used to comment on any topic.

Most blogs which are based on product reviews feature some conversation style method which attracts the visitor and holds the reader till the end for explaining any particular product or comment. The blog form is used to display information in a very casual style which is unlike any website designing where intense coding and vivid graphics are used for attracting visitor.

Website and a Blog

Website designing is used for a much professional experience and the blog is generally placed on the surface which will redirect any visitor to that professional website. With social networking on the rise, most blogs can feature ads and links to the company websites which can display the complete information and turn the visit into a sale.

The blogs can be used for capturing a visitor by conversing about the product and service and explain a visitor the best features and provide a link for the main website which can help the seller. The companies use both blogs and website to define the product and attract the visitor for a sale.

For a casual method of conversing and explaining the products, blogs are the best and websites can be chosen if the company plans to sell a product which can further have detailed views and product specification which are more particular to the products. Blogs can have reviews which pose as a beneficial content for supporting the product and pursuing the customer to visit the website.

Both Blog and website are useful and can be used in their own ways.

Main Differences:

Content Format: The website will carry a formal look and the blog will be made in a casual style to make the user feel more comfortable. This will help you in choosing between a website and a blog.

Display and Color: A website shall carry flash content with visual displays and coding for the pages to run. A blog is a much simpler format and shall have some text to explain the images.

Detailed Specification: A website shall have the detailed specification for the products and services. The blog shall have a much simpler version and can link to multiple sellers.

Link Building: The blog shall have multiple links to several sites which can be used to earn revenue from various sellers. This will also help in choosing between website and a blog.

Blogs have a different style of carrying the text and helps the communities to understand and express their views on the products or topics which make the review genuine and unbiased. The website material may be subject to some biased statements and shall carry all good points of a product. So for purchasing any product, one can see blogs for reviews and contact the website for purchase.

Finally it all comes to you. What you are comfortable with and your analysis on why you need the site becomes the ultimate guide in choosing between a website and a weblog.

Above article is authored by Daisy having SEO Institute in Delhi and providing SEO Training in Delhi


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