Health & Medical Medicine

7 Safe Home Remedies For Eczema You Should Try

Adults and children suffer from eczema, though children are often more susceptible. Apart from itching and swelling, the presence of dry and cracked also indicates eczema. Common areas where children are likely to develop eczema are in the creases of skin that covers the elbow and knee joints. Do you have a hard time controlling your skin condition? Well worry no more, I'm going to show you how you can use home remedies for eczema, to help you get relief instantly.

1. to dry up your skin to prevent oil from clogging pores. With eczema, the last thing you want to scrub your already dry skin with is another soap that will dry it even more. In this case, you want to use an all natural, moisturizing soap or facewash. Make sure it is free and clear of any fragrances or other unnecessary ingredients.

2. If you apply vinegar (cider or white) to the area that's affected, you will see positive results. Let the vinegar dry on the skin, and then rinse it with cold/cool water. When you do this, it will instantly take away the burning and itching you may feel from eczema. Once this is done, the healing process will soon begin.

3. Coconut oil is another great remedy for eczema. When we are thinking about how to clear up eczema at home we immediately wonder what we can apply directly to the affected skin to bring some instant relief. Coconut oil fits the bill perfectly. It's a natural substance that will help stop the itch and also relieve much of the redness. Just apply it in a thin coat directly onto the skin. Coconut oil can be found in all major grocery stores so it's readily available.

4. Chamomile is a natural herb, and you can typically find it mixed with a natural oil (such as almond oil). This works well to help relieve pain and bring back moisture in the skin. Just apply this to a cotton ball and dab lightly onto your skin. You'll feel the pain and itchiness start to wear off instantly.

5. There are many herbs that offer natural cures for eczema. Goldenseal root, pau d'arco, tea tree oil, chamomile, comfrey, camphor, nutmeg, sandalwood and blueberry leaves are among the herbs that provide natural eczema cures. Zinc, flaxseed, vitamin E, evening primrose oil and shark cartilage are also beneficial in reversing the effects of eczema.
Chinese herbs that offer natural eczema cures include chan tui, ku shen, shi gao, fang feng and gan cao.

6. Phenols - are naturally present in herbs such as thyme and oregano. These are compounds with similar properties with alcohol but have additional aromatic property, acts as antiseptic and with potent antimicrobial effects. In medicine, phenol is first used in the technique of antiseptic surgery. Thymol and carvacrol are phenols tested to be effective against drug resistant strain of bacteria, effective fungicides and main ingredients in everyday antiseptic solutions such as in mouthwash and medicinal lotions which makes them effective in eczema natural remedies.

7. Another good home remedy for eczema is cornstarch. This is very effective if you put it your bath water. Cornstarch in your bath, will help with the itching and will soothe your skin giving you immediately relief from your condition. This is one of the best home remedies for eczema.

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