Whenever there is a major discussion on culture and civilization, the intellectuals focus their speech on three ancient mores; Rome, Egypt and India. It has a matter of extensive research for the world historians as to what has kept the Indian civilization and culture afloat when all other civilizations have nearly wiped out. One of the primary reasons is the fact that the Indian emperors took keen interest in various art forms such as dance, music, song and painting. The different forms of classical dance are widely performed throughout the length and breadth of the country and abroad. These dances have truly cleared the test of times and have maintained its popularity through different ages. Bharatnatyam really casts a magic spell on the spectators. It is the oldest form of dance amongst all the others.
The Bharatnatyam has evolved from the state of Tamil Nadu. The dance form has been mentioned in Bharat Muni's Natya Shastra. The outfits of the dance play a pivotal role in enhancing the charm of the dance. The sole performance of the dance is based on three major characteristics namely the expression, the rhythm and the music. There is no denying the fact one has to keep on practicing so as to gain perfection in its steps. The cloths must be well prepared. The dancer in Kolkata is well aware of the fact that the success and failure of their performance largely depends on the costumes. Apart from that she has to put on heavy anklets which are tied in four to five rows.
The Best Bharatnatyam Dancer always emphasizes on her body language and gesture. Your body should be well balanced. There are number of different steps which need to be performed in standing or sitting posture. At times you are required to jump or stand on one single foot. Like all other classical dances, it is also a form of a worship in which the dancer pays her gratitude towards the Almighty. Bharatnatyam has also been regarded as the Fire Dance as the steps are quite similar to that of Taandav, the dance of wrath and anger.
According to the dancer in kolkata, there are other important themes of the dance. The vital ones include the love and tenderness of a mother towards her child, the feelings and emotions of two lovers who are separated from one another and then their reunion. Most of the times, the dancer is performed in a solo format.
The Indian classical art form needs to be learnt properly if you have a knack for it. There are colleges, institutes and professional dance schools from where you can learn Bharatnatyam. You need to devote ample time for practice as well. The music that basically accompanies this dance is Hindustani Classical Music or Carnatic Music. In earlier times it was performed at the temples but in modern era it is usually
performed on the stages. You can watch the live performance of the best bharatnatyam dancer and surely behold your eyes.

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