Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Over the Counter Ear Infection Medicine for Dogs


    • Zymox Otic is used to treat otitis external, or infection of the outer ear. It is effective against infections due to yeast, viruses and bacteria.


    • Benedryl is an antihistamine used to stop itching and inflammation in the ear. It allows less severe ear problems to heal naturally by making it less necessary for your dog to scratch the infection, thereby making it worse.


    • Epi-Otic is an ear cleanser that removes discharge and debris from ear infections. It is alcohol-free, and helps create conditions where the ear can heal itself naturally.


    • Revolution is a flea control medication that is also safe and effective for killing mites that cause ear infections.

    Vitamin E Oil

    • Vitamin E oil helps relieve pain associated with middle and inner ear infections. It is often used in conjunction with an oral antibiotic.

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