Health & Medical Nutrition

Raw Food Recipes For Beginners - Raw Food Best Kept Secrets

The raw food diet has been practiced for hundreds of years by those individuals who recognized the healing and energizing properties of raw food.
Raw foods refer to those foods which are unprocessed, all natural, and not cooked above 118 degrees.
This includes fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, and a variety of sea plants.
These foods are extremely high in nutrients and essential vitamins and minerals making them powerful energy boosters and healing agents.
The diet has numerous benefits on the body beyond these energizing properties.
They have been shown to aid in digestions as they help the body rid itself of toxins and chemicals that have been stored up over time.
This natural cleansing helps detox your body and can prevent or even help eliminate disease and other body ailments.
Individuals practicing the diet have noted clearer skin, removed "fuzziness" from the mind, a spike in energy levels, even dramatic weight loss.
More extreme cases have even reported drastic healing such as the elimination of allergies, muscle pains, and in some cases even curing Diabetes.
The diet has many benefits, however many individuals fear the diet as they perceive it as difficult and time-consuming.
This is a common misconception.
In reality, it is no more difficult than any other common life change, and a "cold-turkey" approach does not need to be utilized for it to be effective.
In order to get all its benefits, one really only needs to consume a majority of raw food in their diet.
If your diet consists roughly of 55-65% raw food, then you will still gain from the healing and energizing benefits they holds.
These foods are also incredibly versatile.
You can still re-create many of your current favorite dishes and make sandwiches, salads, smoothies, pizzas, pies, and sweet treats.
The easiest way to incorporate more of these foods into your diet is through raw food recipes for beginners.
These recipes are easy to create, do not require expensive kitchen equipment, and use common ingredients found in your local grocer.
It is some of these raw food recipes for beginners that hold the best kept secrets.
That is because you can create powerful healing meals that are delicious and quick to prepare.
For example one of the most simple raw food recipes for beginners is the breakfast smoothie.
This smoothie combines greens, fruits, and spirulina, a sea vegetable that allows the body to absorb ten times more protein from it than from meat.
These smoothies are packed with energy, and vital nutrients to help rid your body of disease, chemicals, and toxins.
This diet has been used for centuries to heal the body and provide energy and weight loss options to individuals looking to live a healthy lifestyle.
It has been shown to have great results for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
You can get access to some great tips and secrets of the raw food diet through raw food recipes for beginners.

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