Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Busy Doctors may overlook medical device maintenance

It is vital to correctly maintain medical and diagnostic tools as repairs for such equipment can be extremely expensive.  Also improperly serviced medical equipment can trigger harm to either the doctor or patient if the device were to malfunction. Proper maintenance and check up of lasers, CAT scanners, X Ray tools, drills for dental procedures, centrifuges, surgical tools and pumps must be adequately maintained to stay safe.

Ball bearings for example are extremely crucial components for many medical devices and easily overlooked during the routine maintenance procedure.  Most equipment today require special custom built bearings to meet the high demand specifications of most medical devices. In customized medical ball bearing assemblies, there are quite a few advantages especially for devices that run at high speeds like dental drills and polishing devices. The bearings for such devices are designed to dampen the noise, decrease friction and enable the device to perform easily and quietly.  Since they are customized, the bearings fit the specification to a tee keeping the repairs and maintenance at a minimum.

The worst enemy of bearings is overuse, time and poor maintenance. As time goes on,  bearings can become worn and lose which can increase noise and lower the machines performance to a point where it can actually become dangerous especially big medical equipment like CT scanners.  Appropriate care must be given to avert a malfunction and possible harm to both technicians and patients and bearings are greatly overlooked because that are difficult to maintain in some instances.  They are normally in very hard to reach places and in most cases require the entire machine to be dissembled to gain access to them.

In the past, bearings are only available up to 1.2 inch in diameter, which is not appropriate for most medical tools and to fit the essential space constraints. With the modern technology, manufacturers were able to produce miniature bearings that can fit the space demands, enabling equipment designers and engineers to lessen the space requirements for most devices for hospitals and laboratories. The advantage of the smaller bearings is increased precision, making the device more functional and dependable for most medical uses.

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