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22 Tips For Burning Fat & Developing a Lean Body

This article gives you 22 tips for burning fat and developing that lean body you've always dreamed of! In this post I'll give you my secrets for torching fat and at the same time decreasing the amount of time you spend working out! None of these techniques work alone but by combining as many of them together as possible it will GREATLY enhance the development of that lean body.
Not to mention faster then ever! 1.
) Perform 3 total body, resistance workouts per week 2.
) Do 10-20 min of high intensity interval training(post resistance workout) to enhance fat burning 3x per week.
) Focus on multiple joint/compound movements.
No single joint exercises and/or isolating individual muscles.
) High quality protein should come from whole eggs, chicken, fish, lean beef and whole milk 5.
) Your carbohydrates should come from fruits and veggies(YES, carbohydrates are necessary and you NEED to eat them!!) 6.
) Consume your carbohydrates when your body needs them the most - > breakfast, pre-workout and post workout.
) Post workout carb to protein ratio: 2 to 1(ideally in liquid form).
) Get 8 hours of sleep each night 9.
) Set goals -- > short and long term 10.
) Warm-up actively/dynamically before each session(5-6 min.
) 11.
) Perform supersets -- > group 3-10 exercises together and complete each, back to back without rest.
) Change your training stimulus often -- > change weight, reps, sets, perform movements for time...
) STAY AWAY from processed foods, packaged foods, fast foods, foods with added sugar/salt and anything with artificial or natural flavors.
) Train like an Athlete(not bodybuilding) to enhance your fat burning goals! 15.
) Train with a friend for motivation and a little extra push 16.
) Drink a gallon or more of water per day 17.
) Consume Essential Fats/healthy fats from fish, olive oil and nuts.
) You MUST have an even stimulus/balance in your routines -- > if you do 2 pushing exercises you MUST do 2 pulling exercises.
) Use different modalities throughout your workouts -- > dumbbells, stability balls, resistance bands, kettlebells, sand bags, body weight exercises...
) Build your workouts around different variations of the squat, deadlift, clean, push/press, high pull and lunge.
) After a hard training session, try a contrast shower to ease muscle soreness 22.
) "If you can't hunt it, fish it, pick it from a tree, bush or the ground, DON'T eat it!"

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