Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

How to Explore Florence - Some Quick Tips

Florence, the city of renaissance, is an interesting city with versatile qualities. In fact it is not that easy to make a road map to explore the city of Florence at one go. In order to explore Florence you have to understand the city and that can be done only by personal impressions. A few tips are narrated here which perhaps will be helpful to get the hang of the city.

Take a cab for roaming around

Taking public transport for intra city communication will be hectic because you have to cover a lot. However, walking alongside the footpath will help you to explore the city on your own but as a traveler safe and easy roaming will be absolutely fine with a hired cab with an expert driver. This is the best way for doing local shopping as well.

Florence is the paradise for shopaholic and shopping from local market is one of the best ways of exploring the city in its true flavor.

As an ardent fashion is a few best places to indulge shopping are Via de Tornabuoni, Piazza Strozzi, Via del Corso, and Via de Cerretani where you will find shopping options sprinkled with chic boutiques. Furthermore, the stylish Via Roma and Via Calimala will offer you some fashionable affordable shops. Plan them to make visit list for Florence airport transfers.

In addition to fashion, Florence is also famous for its antiques (Via Maggio), best-quality leather items (Santa Croce Leather Workshop and New Market area) and exquisite open-air markets scattered all over the city.

Enjoy all free attractions of Florence city

Regardless you are on a budget travel scheme or nit, do not miss the Free Florence tourist attractions because they are indeed the best. In this list there are places like Cathedral of Florence, also named as Duomo or Santa Maria del Fiore, world famous public squares, the garden of Cassini, the Etruscan Tomb of Montagnola, and Torrigiani Garden deserve special mention. You must make the planning for visiting these signature places in Florence immediately post Florence airport transfers in the hotel you have booked.

Enjoy the flow of crowd and Italian style

Sometimes the finest way to enjoy the true hang of a city is watching the crowd: stroll alongside its streets, visiting a local market or remain relaxed over a cup of coffee while viewing the world pass by.
Some of the top spots to witness how life runs in Florence are: Piazza dell a Signoria facing Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza dell a Republican, Piazza del Duomo, piazza Michelangelo which offers a spectacular Florence view. The landmark - Ponte Vecchio, will present you a romantic views over the Arno River and a bunch of chic jewelry shops.


Exploring Florence will never be completed unless you will taste the local cuisine. The best way to taste locale foods is to approach local food joints.

Check the cultural events available in Florence: Do not forget checking the art galleries in Florence. They are the heart of this beautiful vibrant city.

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