Home & Garden Home Improvement

Three Basic Insulation Tips to Consider

It's a fact that insulation will always remain a basic homeowner concern.
Fortunately, most modern homes are already insulated.
If you feel though that you're just not comfortable enough, then there may be a couple of simple tips you can use to supplement what your home already has.
Plug the Gaps Lots of people don't realize that heat can easily escape from window and door gaps.
Some gaps are so small that you may not even realize they exist.
Before winter sets in, check the spaces in between your doors and windows.
Some of these may have to go through a little weather stripping to prevent gradual but consistent heat loss.
Use Modern Blinds Curtains used to be simple but effective insulation tools.
They still are.
These days though, newer and better materials can help reduce heat loss even more.
These materials are often found in modern shades and blinds.
Some are specifically made to help insulate homes.
They come in different designs, colors and sizes to choose from.
It may be time for you to ditch those old curtains and go for brand new window shades.
Check Attic Insulation One of the fastest ways to lose heat is through the attic.
This is why you have to make sure that this section of your home gets proper attention.
Obviously, the kind of padding you need to install would depend on the design and size of your attic and home.
R-values that are unique per region also often have to be used to determine appropriate attic insulation to use.
The DOE has a chart with R-values for each region.

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