Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Discover the Omega 3 Oil Dangers - How to Avoid Omega 3 Oil Dangers?

It is hard to believe that something like fish oils can be so good for our health and there are no omega 3 oil dangers at all.
Being a normal person, it is important for us to know if there are any risks associated with the consumption of fish oils and this is exactly what we will discuss in this article on 'Omega 3 oil Dangers'.
Omega 3 fish oils are nutritional supplements that provide EPA and DHA fats that are essential for our health.
The World Health Organization recommends approx.
300-500 mg of omega 3 to be consumed daily.
Other health organizations such as the American Health Association, recommend 650-1000mg and even more for heart patients.
All of these are relative standards and depend on a variety of factors.
This is an important point to remember when we talk about Omega 3 oil dangers.
Excess of anything is harmful and the same applies to omega 3 fish oils too.
Calling minor side-effects of fish oils as Omega 3 oil dangers would be unjust.
The most commonly reported omega 3 side effect is the fishy burps or the weird after-taste that remains on the tongue after consuming fish oil.
However, this problem can be easily resolved.
You can take your daily dose of omega 3 fish oils along with your meal which will remove the fishy distaste.
Eating slowly can also help in reducing the burping and avoiding the discomfort.
Replacing your fish oil syrups with fish oil capsules can also help you in avoiding the distaste.
Capsules are absorbed slowly by our cell membranes leaving absolutely no taste on our tongue.
Thus, taking capsules instead of liquid form of fish oils can help you deal with one of the so-called minor omega 3 oil dangers.
Consuming fish oils that are not distilled can cause some serious health problems.
The rising level of toxins such as mercury, metals and PCBs in ocean waters is a serious environmental concern.
Consuming impure and non-refined fish oils can deposit such toxins in your body.
Studies show that deposition of mercury in the body can cause cancer and even brain hemorrhage.
To avoid such omega 3 oil dangers, use only molecularly distilled fish oils.
Molecular distillation is the process through which all the toxins and contaminants are removed from the fish oil.
Such ultra-refined fish oils are safe for human consumption and have no side-effects.
Another one of omega 3 oil dangers is related to the consumption of high quantities of fish oils.
Overdose of fish oils can cause diarrhea since omega 3 has a laxative effect.
The solution to this is obvious, reduce your intake of fish oils and consult your doctor to know the exact dosage of omega 3 that your body needs.
One of the omega 3 oil dangers is increased bleeding in some people.
Fish oils have blood thinning properties which inhibits blood clotting and the blockage of arteries.
This property of omega 3 is beneficial for most people but it can be harmful for people who have bleeding problems or are taking anti-coagulant medicines.
Thus, you need to consult your doctor before starting on omega 3 supplements.
Make sure you purchase only pharmaceutical grade, ultra-refined fish oils.
Consuming such supplements under your doctor's supervision will reduce the omega 3 oil dangers to a large extent.

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