Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Wellbeing At Your Fingertips

Would you believe me if I told you that in just moments you could rid yourself of stress, anxiety, headaches, cravings for food or cigarettes, or any other nagging complaint? Would you believe me if I told you that you can restore your sense of peace, calm and wellbeing in the midst of any crisis? If you think it sounds like a miracle, I would tell you it is! Emotional Freedom Technique is changing lives and is spreading like wildfire.
Individuals and organizations are experiencing the remarkable effects of this wonderful technique and they are talking.
And TAPPING! Have I piqued your interest yet? EFT is a psychological form of acupuncture that involves tapping with your fingertips on energy meridian endpoints on the body while remembering or experiencing a negative situation of any sort.
Developed by Gary Craig, a Stamford engineer, EFT is one of the most advanced forms of Energy Psychology and is bringing rapid relief to people around the world.
It's based on the premise that all negative emotions stem from a disruption in the body's energy system which in turn leads to discomfort, illness, pain and unhealthy behavior.
Numerous studies have shown that cravings, addictions and physical aliments are emotionally based and disappear when the emotional/energetic disruption is addressed.
Emotional Freedom Technique rebalances the energetic disruption in just minutes, virtually rewiring the body and restoring balance.
When applied to specific situations such as cravings, headaches, anxiety, fear, and the like, it offers quick and long lasting results thus making it more effective than traditional psychotherapy.
Another benefit of this magic technique is that it's easy to learn and is literally always at your fingertips.
Imagine having a tool that in moments can dissolve your insatiable cravings for that pint of ice cream or pound of chocolate and allow you to instead eat it in healthy moderation.
Imagine clearing the underlying emotions out of your system so they no longer run the show.
Food becomes an ally for your health instead of your enemy, and your weight naturally stabilizes.
Picture yourself at work with an approaching deadline, a never-ending workload and people pulling at you from all directions.
You feel the tension rising and are ready to blow.
Instead of losing your temper or reaching for that cigarette or manifesting a headache, you tap for a few minutes and feel the stress melt away.
You are now relaxed, centered and much more productive! The value this brings to both employee and employer is remarkable.
Businesses lose billions of dollars yearly due to lost productivity, absenteeism and expensive health care costs.
Wellness is an inside job, and clearing out negativity fosters that wellbeing along with healthier lifestyle choices.
This translates to greater energy, productivity and enthusiasm and in addition to money saved, company goals are achieved at a faster rate.
Are you an athlete? Do you play golf or tennis? What if you could take a few strokes off your game? What if you could take a few minutes to tap before you play your next tennis match and emerge on the court calmer, more confident and focused? Pro golfers are tapping on the golf course to reduce negative self-chatter and performance anxiety, sharpen their focus, erase visions of previous mistakes and lessen distractions.
Peak performance requires a balanced and focused mental state and EFT can get you and keep you there very rapidly.
EFT is also invaluable for improving relationships.
I teach my clients to tap before they speak! Instead of lashing out with harmful words when your partner or children do something that angers you, simply tap first.
Within a few minutes, the anger will melt away restoring your inner balance and peace.
You'll be amazed at the transformation within you and you will now say what you need to from a centered rather than reactive state of being.
Tapping doesn't change the facts but changes our own energy and emotions around them so that we are not as bothered by circumstances.
We actually can effect greater change that way.
The wonder and beauty of EFT is in the transformation it brings to those who use it.
Tapping daily on the little stresses and negative conversations, the pains and cravings, the hurts and disappointments, simply clears our energy system and restores a sense of wellbeing and optimum health.
EFT is also used to tap in positive suggestions and affirmations for what we wish to manifest.
It's easy to learn and most people find a certain degree of relief when tapping on their own.
For deeper and more long lasting results, it is wise to work with a trained practitioner who uses their skills, experience and intuition to turn this healing modality into an art form.
The benefits and wonders of EFT are endless.
Tap to your health!

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