Home & Garden Pest Control

Pest Control

Pest control is about controlling infestations of rats, lice, carpet beetles, mice, and some types and species of birds such as pigeons.
The methods of pest control will be different according to the type of bird or pest, and how big the problem is; for instance is it large scale infestation or just a confined outbreak of mice in a single residence or isolated area? In North London alone there are many types of pests and different kinds of vermin that have to be dealt with on a daily basis.
The control of pests such as insects, mice and rats is an ongoing battle and will often involve the use of insecticides and poisons, depending upon the size of the infestation.
Humane methods are generally employed whenever it is possible and trapping and releasing animals back into the wild such as squirrels is very often employed, as is the use of falcons which is used to control heavily infested areas containing pigeons or seagulls.
This type of method is generally considered to be non-lethal.
Many animals and insects have become a problem and are referred to as pests because of human behaviour and human interaction with the environment.
The altering and changing of these actions and behaviours can dramatically reduce the problem of pests.
Actions such as feeding birds and animals at popular tourist locations will very often result in a rise in population of that particular species.
Animals and birds fed in this 'unnatural' manner will become dependent on humans as the source of their food, and in turn will multiply in numbers and become pests.
This situation can be very easily put right by preventing or prohibiting the feeding of the appropriate species.
There are many types of vermin and pests to control; here is a list of some of them: o Ants: Fleas: Carpet Beetles o Bed bugs: Clothes moths o Cluster flies: Cockroaches o Fruit flies: Flies: Masonry bees o Mice: Rats o Pharaoh ants: Wasps o Pigeons: Seagulls: Starlings Masonry bees are worth a mention here as they often go unnoticed.
Masonry bees have the ability to build nests by tunnelling through soft brick mortar in older buildings.
They rarely occur in large numbers but they do tend to attack the same vulnerable buildings, which can, after several years cause a considerable amount of damage.
There are different types of pest control methods and some of these can include: Poisoned bait, traps, poison spray, hunting, field burning and the elimination of breeding grounds.
Many wildlife organizations encourage the use of natural pest control by excluding other methods and introducing natural predators into the habitat.

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