Business & Finance Finance

Unsecured Loan - the convenient loan

With an unsecured loan, the lender has no claim to a borrower's property should the latter fail to repay the loan. In fact, lenders rely solely on the borrowing ability and the trustworthiness of the borrower to get back the amount loaned.

The borrowing amount ranges from as little as £500 to £25,000. With collateral absent, lenders tend to limit the borrowable amount. Repayment periods are generally between six to ten years. Traditional banking houses and financial institutions specialise in unsecured loans. The larger supermarkets chains, too, provide unsecured loans.

An unsecured loan [] can be deployed for financing a holiday, purchasing a new car, wedding expenses etc.

An unsecured loan is ideal for people who do not own homes and, therefore, cannot obtain a secured loan. A tenant is the quintessential example. Before applying for unsecured loans, there are a few things to cater to. These loans are comparatively more expensive, and the repayment period is shorter too. There is no guarantee for the lender that the borrower will repay the loan. The elevated interest rates are there to cover costs should the borrower default on the payment. This gives no leeway to the borrower to relax on the payments. Lenders will have the backup of credit agreement terms, and can recover the payments through the legal system.

Lenders are forced by law to tell the borrower the amount he would be charging for this kind of finance. This is also called the Annual Percentage Rate (APR). The borrower may ask if the APR is a fixed rate or is pliable. He may also find out if the interest rate charged is standardised for the whole of the loan repayment period, or if it changes with the base rate. The borrower should keep in mind the penalties for late payments.

Different lenders have different rates. Thus, it helps if a concentrated research is conducted before taking the loan.

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