How to Make a Frog Out of Fondant
- 1). Pour a 16-oz. bag of marshmallows into a microwave safe bowl. A standard bag of miniature marshmallows works best because they melt down quicker, but as long as you have 16 oz. of marshmallows you're fine. Add three tbsp. of water and put the bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes, or until melted.
- 2). Add green food coloring and powdered sugar to your preference. If you want a sweeter fondant, add more sugar. If the fondant frogs are purely decorative and not to be eaten, you don't need to add any sugar. Fondant tends to absorb food coloring, so don't be surprised if you have to keep adding coloring to get it the shade of green you want.
- 3). Let your fondant sit out overnight, making sure that it's covered. Pull off the cover the next day and microwave the fondant for about thirty seconds, or until it's soft enough for you to knead. Lay your fondant out on a baking mat or waxed paper and knead it into a sheet. Make sure to cover your kneading surface with powdered sugar, as fondant is very sticky and can be difficult to work with otherwise.
- 4). Pull off a piece of fondant and roll it into a ball. This will be the body of the frog. The size of the ball will depend on how large you want your frog to be. A good rule of thumb is about the size of a golf ball. Keep in mind that the head will be half the size of the body, so leave yourself enough room to put a face on the head.
- 5). Roll a second ball for the head, roughly half the size of the body. Place the head on top of the body. Using your fingernail or a small knife, etch a mouth into the head of your frog. You can make eyes in a few different ways. The simplest is to buy edible markers and draw them on. However, you can also roll two small balls of white fondant and place them in indentations that you make in the head. Add pupils with a edible black marker. To make the white fondant, simply follow the same steps as the green fondant, but don't add any coloring to the marshmallow.
- 6). Grab a piece of fondant and roll it into a ball. Press the ball down until it forms a thin oval that tapers at one end. Keep in mind that fondant is very durable, so a little fondant can stretch into a very large shape. Use only a little for each limb. Use a knife or baking scissors to cut two small v shapes into the tapered end of the fondant, making webbed feet. Repeat this until you have four limbs.
- 7). Attach the limbs to the body of your frog, making sure they are roughly the same size. The legs should be slightly larger and thicker than the arms. Use a little bit of water to soften the fondant where you plan to attach it. Let your frog sit for a few moments, to stiffen back up. Place your frog on your cake in whatever position you would like.