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The Basics of Ladies Perfume

Scent is a tangible and powerful force.
It is commonly thought that the smell of food contributes to its taste.
Smell can be attracting or repulsive.
The aroma that is left behind of a lover on clothing or bedding can trigger emotions and memories.
Likewise, a whiff of a familiar perfume can remind you of someone you care about.
There are human pheromones in many perfumes used for the purpose of attracting the opposite sex.
Certain smells can boost a woman's confidence, making her feel attractive and sexy.
The right fragrance can keep someone interested longer as they linger over the enticing smell instead of only focusing on the conversation and appearance of a person.
There are plenty of bonuses to perfume, but there are also things a lady must consider in order to utilize perfume effectively.
Different perfumes will react differently with different skin types.
What works best for your sister or best friend may not be the right fragrance for you.
If you have dry or oily skin, sensitive skin, or allergies then it is important to test a perfume for a day before purchasing to avoid skin irritation and other problems.
There are fragrances that work better during the day and others that do better in the evening.
Subtle scents during the daylight hours work best, especially in the warmer months, as heat can intensify a smell making it stronger.
Go for a stronger smell in the evening, one that will last longer and work its alluring magic while you are out.
Some aromas have a more seasonal feel than others as the fruity, citrus, and floral smells are better for the spring and summer months while the woodsy and musky scents do better when it is cold outside.
It is always a good idea to pick a smell based on your personality or mood.
Some perfumes convey overt sexiness while others can be more reserved, playful and flirty.
The more reserved personalities will appreciate a subtle smell that one barely picks up and bolder women will go from a smell that comes across as strong and powerful.
Do not be afraid to bring your friends or family along when you are testing out new perfumes as their opinion can help you make a decision when selecting the perfect one.

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