Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Back Pain With Chakra Balance Part 4

The Root Chakra, located at the very base of the spine, between the genitals and the anus, anchors the physical body to the Earth.
It's colour is red, and it's business is earthy.
It is responsible for kinesthetic feeling, movement, and exercise and dancing.
It is the chakra responsible for the spiritual teachings of the material world.
It governs the spinal column, the lower digestive tract, legs and feet, and the immune system.
Physical dysfunctions are manifested by lower back pain, sciatica (nerve pain in the legs), varicose veins, immune related disorders, and inflammatory bowel syndrome.
Mental and emotional issues include survival, self-esteem, social order, security, family, superstition, loyalty, instinct, physical pain or pleasure, and touch.
The emotional response is recorded in the corresponding chakra centre.
The tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus and then transmitted to that part of the body the plexus controls.
If the tensional pattern is continued, physical symptoms are manifested.
One popular method is to use a pendulum.
This device helps increase your sensitivities to the energy flow as it acts as an amplifier.
The clockwise or counter clockwise motion will of each chakra will determine the present state of the chakra.
Another form of blockage that can affect the entire meridian system is meridian blockage that clogs the pathways by which the chakras are designed to clear.
The aura carries etheric damage from trauma to the body (illness, accidents, and surgical intervention) long after the physical body has visibly healed.
Until the meridians are cleared of those blockages, the chakra system cannot release from the head on down as it was intended to function.
Meridian blockage can be localized to a specific body part, area or system, and still affect a chakra region or impinge upon the entire system.
For helping balance the chakras with yoga exercise consider the following: For the First Chakra, (root or base chakra) the bridge is a good pose to begin to open up this chakra.
For the Second Chakra, (sacral plexus) the cobra will also start to open out this chakra.
For the Third Chakra, (solar plexus) the bow will open out this chakra.
For the Forth Chakra, (heart centre) camel will open out this chakra.
For the Fifth Chakra, (throat centre) fish posture.
For the Six Chakra, (third eye) Yoga Mudra posture.
For the Seventh Chakra, (crown) to stimulate this chakra either headstand or meditation in half lotus or full.

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