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Watch The Killer Inside Me (2010) online on Megavideo for free

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"Around here, if you're not a man and a gentleman, you're nothing," says Lou Ford, the protagonist of "The Killer Inside Me" A murderous sociopath, cowardly and cold and particularly brutal toward women, Lou is in effect introducing the tale of his own self-annihilation. On the surface a polite, upstanding fellow — a sheriff's deputy with fine manners and a clean white shirt — Lou guides us on a grisly tour of the abyss that is his soul.

At one point he reaches up to a bookshelf displaying volumes of Freud and takes down a Bible. Tucked between its pages is a stash of pornographic snapshots, apparently taken by Lou's father. That brief scene suggests a lode of pathology rich enough to keep a team of psychiatrists in business for years, or else, as it happens, to get a bunch of people killed.

The first of these is Joyce (Jessica Alba), a prostitute who lives on the edge of town and becomes the eager masochistic object of Lou's sadistic lust. The first time they meet, she slaps his face and he whips her with his belt. Thereafter they dwell in secret erotic bliss, at least until he beats her to death with his gloved fists in a scene that brings an unpleasantly graphic connotation to the idea of pulp fiction.

Mr. Winterbottom, a protean and prolific filmmaker, has often shown an interest in finding the point where cinematic artifice collides with literalism. Movies like "The Road to Guantánamo" and "In This World" blur the line between fiction and documentary, reconstructing true stories with nonprofessional actors in real locations."Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story" pretends to be a movie about the failed making of a movie, while  is, technically if not quite in spirit, a work of hard-core pornography.

Jim Thompson had no such trouble. His book's first-person narrative turns a tight thriller into a psychological case study and a candid, unhinged pseudo-memoir. In the best pulp tradition the novel mixes up breathless prurience and shocked moralism — you can be turned on, but only if you're also horrified — as it sends its main character down the slippery slope from kinky sex play to vicious homicide. Along the way there are lies, double-crosses, blackmail schemes gone awry and an atmosphere of depravity that is both disturbing and,"9 Songs" partly by dint of Thompson's matchless literary artistry, exhilarating.

===>Click here to watch The Killer Inside Me on megavideo for free<===

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