Health & Medical Yoga

Falling In Love With Who You Are Is Inevitable

Being in love with "you" is inevitable as you spend more time in the beingness of this "you" that you can never escape from.
It not only has you in love with your self but it also has you in deep gratitude with having the capacity to being able to find and stop at and as this "you" of you, and of coming to being deeply at rest as this one that is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find your self flowing through.
To find yourself on this road of where the mindbody that you are flowing through is in the actual process of unravelling of its built up mind informancy and being replaced and outshone with the heart informancy of this "you" that you are, will have you being very pleased and thankful.
To find that you no longer have to suffer in the ways of daily living that you used to suffer will bring tears to your eyes - even as you bring your conscious focus of attention to them in the finding of who "you" are.
To find that you are beginning to see how you are not entrapped in the "sulk" of a mind informed movement and that you are actually something that is not only free of all arisings but that happens to be the one that is free standing even in the midst of its own manifestation.
You will find all of this very awe inspiring.
And to top all of this off, it is without end.
The more you actually "be" this one that is flowing through your eyes the more "it" comes on in with a greater and greater fullness and purity of itself.
As this absolutely wonderful and magical journey of realizing just who "you" are unfolds on and into this mindbody that you find yourself so intimately involved with, you find yourself becoming just plain old happier and happier without any cause whatsoever - just by being this "you" of you that you already are It is utterly drug free.
You are not left reliant upon anything external or internal to bring about some kind of relief from the cramp of your own making of trying to be something that is not this "you" of you.
It is completely direct - from "you" to you, with love from "you".
You will not come to the death bed of your mindbody wondering where all your "treats" have disappeared to, leaving you in the disappointment of feeling ripped off at the very last.
For all of this wonderful freedom and play to become part of your daily living you are going to have to go through a few things that you, by tendency of trying to be who you think you are, usually avoid and turn your back on.
Who "you" are brings to light - to your awareness - your daily and momentary less than loving movements that have you suffering from within the classroom of you trying to be who think you are.
Instead of avoiding these - as you would customarily do - you are to find the "you" of you that is already flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through.
Once you go through whatever it takes to find this one that is flowing through your eyes, you stop.
You keep finding and stopping until you come to being deeply at rest at and as this one.
In the deep at-rest-ment you will find all of what is not you dissolving and disappearing from you.
This is what opens the door to the above descriptions.

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