Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Is The Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet Safe

If you've been in the health scene or the dieting scene within the last year or so you've probably heard of the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet also known as the Master Cleanser.
It involves a strict diet of a juice mixture involving squeezed lemons or limes, cayenne pepper and maple syrup as well as taking a natural laxative to keep regularity which goes on for about ten days.
It has been the rage of thousands of individuals nationwide who believe in the cleanse has literally changed their lives for the better.
Those who have tried the cleanse believe that super-detoxifies the body cleaning out years of unhealthy toxic build-up in the body.
It resets the body and corrects the ph levels as wells as helps eliminate all the bodys addictions including food, alcohol and drug addictions such as smoking.
Another result of this detox is that people generally lose a lot of weight, for example you often hear of people losing 20 lbs.
within a week, which is not uncommon on this diet.
Even famous singer Beyonce KNowles is an advocate of the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet.
Is the master cleanse diet really safe?Skeptics believe that this diet does what the body should already to, detox itself.
But those who advocate the master cleanse diet thoroughly believe that we live in a toxic society and that we become so contaminated over the years that our bodys were not meant to fight off these levels of pollutants from heavy metals to additives in foods.
Many believe that the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet is so important that it is extremely unhealthy not toexperience it.
Many have even claimed that they felt "Euphoric" towards the ending of their cleanse.
They claimed that their bodies felt as they did during their youth.
The Master cleanse lemonade diet seems to have proven itself to the general public of its ability to detoxify the system, speed up the metabolism, regulate the body, create energy, fight addictions, learn about allergies, and lose weight fast.
Those who have gone through the lemonade diet feel that it is completely safe and effective if done correctly.
Which would be true for any diet that one may go through.
As they say, you are what you eat.
More importantly become something that you don't want to be by something you ate, maybe this diet is your second chance.
Only you can know what is best for you and the choices you make will ultimately shape your health, especially in the long term.
The trick is to become a proffessional on you.
That is what advocates believe is the primary foundation of the master cleanse, knowing who you are without toxicity.

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