Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

How Calorie Shifting Can Help You Lose Weight Fast Without Feeling Deprived

It's almost that time of year again.
Time for New Year's Resolutions to lose weight.
Unfortunately, a lot of resolutions to lose weight fall by the wayside by the time February rolls around.
The problem is that dieting, for most people, is about depriving yourself.
So it isn't surprising at all if you find you can't stick to the plan.
But following a calorie shifting diet can make all the difference in reaching your weight loss goals, and it also helps you lose weight fast.
What makes calorie shifting different from most diets is that it has built in "cheat days".
These cheat days will do more than just stave off feelings of deprivation however.
They will actually make your diet more functional and help you to lose weight more quickly.
The key is your metabolism.
During a normal diet, your metabolism is constantly downshifting due to the fact that you are experiencing a calorie deficit every day.
Your body is designed to adapt.
But with calorie shifting, you can outsmart your metabolism by not letting it know what to expect.
For example, let's say you are following a low carb diet to lose weight.
This is a very effective weight loss strategy and fast too.
But many low carbers find that after an initial fast weight loss, it becomes more difficult to shed the pounds.
Some may even find that they stop losing weight at all and this can go on for weeks, even though they are eating the same foods they were eating while they were losing weight.
You may be surprised by the solution to this plateau.
It's "eat carbs".
That's right.
Most of the time you can break a weight loss plateau by simply spending one day eating those delicious carbohydrates.
This is the essence of calorie shifting.
It's doing something different than the routine and it can work for most types of diets.
And there's no reason to wait for your weight loss to stall.
You can build calorie shifting into your diet plan by simply scheduling a "cheat day" once a week or for a couple of days every 10 days or so.
For some, you might prefer to only do a cheat day once a month.
It's really up to you and it makes some sense to do a little experimenting and see what works best for you.
Once you factor official "cheat days" into your weight loss plan, losing weight is no longer all about deprivation.
You know your favorite food is only days away.
And since this is part of your plan, there's no reason to feel like a failure for indulging.
You are meant to indulge occasionally, so go ahead and enjoy it, and then return to your more restrictive diet on schedule.

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