What Is the Best Supplement to Gain Muscle Mass?
People often ask me this question.
They all want to know what is the best supplement to gain muscle mass faster? But unfortunately there is no magic supplement to build muscles if you are not putting the efforts on training and nutrition.
If you are, then my vote goes for whey proteins supplements.
Even though there are many good supplements on the market, my priority goes to protein supplements and I believe that they are the basic supplements.
Below you can read why you need protein supplement and how to use them for maximum results.
Proteins (amino acids) are the building blocks muscles.
You need enough proteins to repair damaged muscles and build new muscles.
So building serious muscle mass will be impossible if you don't consume enough proteins.
It is better to get most of your proteins from "real" foods like egg whites, chicken, fish etc.
but the major problem is that it is practically impossible for many people to get 6-8 real food meals each and every day.
This may be due to a busy schedule or just you fed up eating the same meals over and over again.
So here comes the advantage of protein supplements.
You can make a protein shake which contains 25g or more proteins per serving within minutes.
And also it will be easier to carry if you are traveling.
But even though there are many benefits of including protein supplements, but make sure that you don't always rely on protein supplements.
Do not take more than 3 protein shakes a day and 2 is my limit as we need enough from real food sources too.
It may be less than what these protein supplement companies and magazine instructs you, but the reality is that if you consume a lot of proteins from supplements, they will make more money! Quality of a protein supplement is also important when choosing one.
I usually go for whey proteins.
There are basically two types of whey protein.
Whey protein isolates and whey protein concentrates.
Among these two whey protein isolates are the best quality, but a bit pricey than the concentrates.
If you don't have much money to spare on isolates, it is recommended to have a supplement product which is the mixture of both isolates and concentrates.
They all want to know what is the best supplement to gain muscle mass faster? But unfortunately there is no magic supplement to build muscles if you are not putting the efforts on training and nutrition.
If you are, then my vote goes for whey proteins supplements.
Even though there are many good supplements on the market, my priority goes to protein supplements and I believe that they are the basic supplements.
Below you can read why you need protein supplement and how to use them for maximum results.
Proteins (amino acids) are the building blocks muscles.
You need enough proteins to repair damaged muscles and build new muscles.
So building serious muscle mass will be impossible if you don't consume enough proteins.
It is better to get most of your proteins from "real" foods like egg whites, chicken, fish etc.
but the major problem is that it is practically impossible for many people to get 6-8 real food meals each and every day.
This may be due to a busy schedule or just you fed up eating the same meals over and over again.
So here comes the advantage of protein supplements.
You can make a protein shake which contains 25g or more proteins per serving within minutes.
And also it will be easier to carry if you are traveling.
But even though there are many benefits of including protein supplements, but make sure that you don't always rely on protein supplements.
Do not take more than 3 protein shakes a day and 2 is my limit as we need enough from real food sources too.
It may be less than what these protein supplement companies and magazine instructs you, but the reality is that if you consume a lot of proteins from supplements, they will make more money! Quality of a protein supplement is also important when choosing one.
I usually go for whey proteins.
There are basically two types of whey protein.
Whey protein isolates and whey protein concentrates.
Among these two whey protein isolates are the best quality, but a bit pricey than the concentrates.
If you don't have much money to spare on isolates, it is recommended to have a supplement product which is the mixture of both isolates and concentrates.