Cars & Vehicles Hybrid Vehicles

Mini"s Electric Car

Is the earth really going green?You bet it is.
The environment is coughing and spitting from all the toxins we are putting into it and most of it comes from the thousands of manufacturers worldwide.
Carbon emissions are eating away at the atmosphere and it may take hundreds of thousands of years to repair.
The new century is bringing forth new ideas that will help our planet recover from this surge of air and water pollution.
Automobile emission control is one way to begin "going green" and the BMW Mini is in the forefront of this planet-saving march.
When speaking or thinking about electrical cars in general, people often think how tedious it will be to constantly have this car charging.
The Mini comes with a 220 volt charger that can give the car a quick re-charge in three to four hours.
Another detail that is often discussed is the speed and acceleration of the Mini E.
Consumer reporter, Jack Ewing of Bloomberg, says that 0-60 speed in the Mini E is just less than 8.
5 seconds.
This is impressive when the gas-powered Mini takes 7.
2 seconds to get to 60 miles per hour.
Ewing goes on to say that the ride of the Mini E is even smoother than an automatic transmission.
There is no hesitation and the properties of the electric motor has just one gear, similar to fifth in an automatic or manual transmission.
The motor remains connected to the drive shaft so there is no wavering or rocking from the car.
One thing that is considerably convenient is the way that the Mini E slows itself down without using the brake.
As the electrical motor disengages, the car will slow down markedly.
If you have ever driven an electrical golf cart, then you can easily relate to this feature.
The Mini E is the same finely designed interior of the gas-powered Mini, but with no loud engine noise and smell.
The time has come for an electric motor car to be a strong consideration when thinking about your new car purchase.
Not only will you be doing something conscientious for the environment, but the clean and easy maintenance of the Mini E will make your choice that much more satisfying and pleasurable.
It's easy to say that you are environmentally aware of the situation of the new century.
As the contemporary adage says, if you can talk the talk, then you should walk the walk (or drive the best car).

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