Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Dandruff - A Condition That Could Get You Worried

It is never just bad hygiene that causes the dreaded dandruff.
In the event that one goes deeper down, digging deep, in order to find the cause, one would identify that there is so much more to dandruff than one knows.
The instance you see flakes falling off your hair, you can be assured that it is just the dead skin that is shed by the scalp.
In other words it is just a method the scalp adopts to relieve waste.
This can get distasteful the moment too much dead skin is shed and accumulated.
This is what we call dandruff.
People all over the world try a hundred different methods to get rid of dandruff.
Unfortunately it just seems to disappear for a short period and then comes back with a bang.
This is when individuals decide to live with the condition and start looking for ways to manage dandruff.
The itch gets out of control when you miss to keep your scalp clean.
Washing hair regularly is one way by which you can achieve hygiene.
The sun can aggravate dandruff.
The moment you go out in the sun, you are poked on the head with a thousand needles.
Along with the pricking you tend to get very sweaty and start feeling hot and humid.
The itch goes up even when you eat hot and spicy food.
Therefore it is best practice to avoid food with spice in abundance and food that is hot.
Also see to it that you do not venture out in the sun.
Going in the sun actually aggravates dandruff and makes you feel sick.
You would want to cover yourself from the sun by using umbrellas.
Using hats and caps creates humidity within the scalp and furthermore worsen the condition.
Washing your hair regularly is the most effective method of removing dandruff.
Going out with this condition can cause a lot of pain.
With people asking you what you have on your head, you need to always choose colors that are lighter and doesn't expose the dandruff.
Be it oily or dry skin you can easily be a good victim to the dreaded.
Some say that dry scalp causes it.
It is well evident that oil deposits and forms a thick layer which dries on exposure thus causing dandruff.
Dry skin is a very major cause of dandruff formation.
If appropriate use of shampoo doesn't happen, you would surely see a doubling of the condition.
Many skin conditions also trigger dandruff.
Some of them are psoriasis and eczema.
People with Parkinson's and ones with a very weak immunity are more prone.
Dandruff is also caused by the use of hair products.
Individuals who love to keep changing their hair products have more of a chance to catch this one.
Having a proper diet ensures good skin and reduce incidence of dandruff.
Stress is another cause of hair fall and dandruff.
Food that has very little of minerals and vitamins can actually cause the death of the immune system, thereby causing dandruff.
If not for any of these reasons, you would need to reduce stress as stress can surely cause a lot of skin problems.

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