Article Marketing -- Are You Afraid Of Writing?
There are many ways, a person can get traffic to their websites and Article Marketing is one of them. Today, I am going to discuss about article marketing and its benefit.
Some people think that Article marketing is not gonna help them in any way and it's a dead snake now and the other part is that you need to be a perfect writer to attract people to your website.
Now, the question comes, if the Article Marketing is a dead snake and I am afraid writing than how could it help me get visitors to my site.
The very first thing I would like to share with you about me is that I am not a perfect write and never thought that I will be writing articles like this. But today, I am doing this. Writing Articles to help people understand what exactly is Internet Marketing and its benefit. Article Marketing is a part of Internet Marketing via which we get visitors or in other words we get traffic to our website.
So, if I can write an article than I believe that anyone can do this. Not a BIG deal... and even today, it's not a dead snake. It works. The only thing is that it should be unique and should interest people reading this.
I will tell you how to write an article easy way but first, we need to understand what actually is an article?
In simple words, Article is nothing more than your thoughts. People writing Articles, knows about the topic and then just write their thoughts on a piece of paper or on a notepad and make that an Article. So, whatever is their in your mind regarding the subject, write that on a piece of paper.
How to write an Article?
Remember few main points for writing an article...
1. Subject Line (It should be attention grabbing) 2. Body 2(a) Introduction 2(b) Problem 2(c) Solution 3. Benefits (If you have any: Subject to the matter you are writing) 4. Conclusion
Well, these are the main points you need to remember before writing an article.
Just think about the topic and start writing in your own language. Because it's easy to write in a language you are comfortable with. Later, you can translate the same into any language you want using Google translator.
Subject: It should be attention grabbing. Just think what attracts you more when you are online reading mails. Try to include question in the subject line like "How to learn to swim?" or How to get more leads?" etc.
Problem: So when you have the question, It means you have the problem... "How to get leads" can be your subject line and we know that many people are looking ways to generate good leads for their system/websites. So this is a main problem many are facing.
Once you know the problem, find a solution for that...
Solution: This internet world is full of articles and someone, somewhere could have already written the topic you are thinking of! So, you can browse other articles online, read them but never copy them. It's better to write your own thoughts rather then copying. By reading different articles online, you will get an idea or solution to the problem.
Benefits: The main benefit of writing articles is to get quality traffic to your website/blog and the other benefit is that you may help many people like you and me, who are looking for some information online regarding anything. You can also get indexed in Google Search Engine. This can bring loads of free traffic to your website…
The last thing is conclusion, just sum up the things you have written and close the article... that's it!
If you are a newbie, don't worry about perfect articles, your main aim is to start writing. Create your blogs using blogger (which is free tool provided by Google) and start putting your thoughts and share with your friends and family...
Remember no body is born perfect; it's a skill they learn.
Or the lazy way is to outsource someone.
So, In a nutshell, Article Marketing is not a tough topic and it can help you bring quality traffic to your website and also it can help you get indexed in a Google.
Thanks, Shaishav
PS: Article Marketing is a vast area and I have just shared some basic techniques.
Some people think that Article marketing is not gonna help them in any way and it's a dead snake now and the other part is that you need to be a perfect writer to attract people to your website.
Now, the question comes, if the Article Marketing is a dead snake and I am afraid writing than how could it help me get visitors to my site.
The very first thing I would like to share with you about me is that I am not a perfect write and never thought that I will be writing articles like this. But today, I am doing this. Writing Articles to help people understand what exactly is Internet Marketing and its benefit. Article Marketing is a part of Internet Marketing via which we get visitors or in other words we get traffic to our website.
So, if I can write an article than I believe that anyone can do this. Not a BIG deal... and even today, it's not a dead snake. It works. The only thing is that it should be unique and should interest people reading this.
I will tell you how to write an article easy way but first, we need to understand what actually is an article?
In simple words, Article is nothing more than your thoughts. People writing Articles, knows about the topic and then just write their thoughts on a piece of paper or on a notepad and make that an Article. So, whatever is their in your mind regarding the subject, write that on a piece of paper.
How to write an Article?
Remember few main points for writing an article...
1. Subject Line (It should be attention grabbing) 2. Body 2(a) Introduction 2(b) Problem 2(c) Solution 3. Benefits (If you have any: Subject to the matter you are writing) 4. Conclusion
Well, these are the main points you need to remember before writing an article.
Just think about the topic and start writing in your own language. Because it's easy to write in a language you are comfortable with. Later, you can translate the same into any language you want using Google translator.
Subject: It should be attention grabbing. Just think what attracts you more when you are online reading mails. Try to include question in the subject line like "How to learn to swim?" or How to get more leads?" etc.
Problem: So when you have the question, It means you have the problem... "How to get leads" can be your subject line and we know that many people are looking ways to generate good leads for their system/websites. So this is a main problem many are facing.
Once you know the problem, find a solution for that...
Solution: This internet world is full of articles and someone, somewhere could have already written the topic you are thinking of! So, you can browse other articles online, read them but never copy them. It's better to write your own thoughts rather then copying. By reading different articles online, you will get an idea or solution to the problem.
Benefits: The main benefit of writing articles is to get quality traffic to your website/blog and the other benefit is that you may help many people like you and me, who are looking for some information online regarding anything. You can also get indexed in Google Search Engine. This can bring loads of free traffic to your website…
The last thing is conclusion, just sum up the things you have written and close the article... that's it!
If you are a newbie, don't worry about perfect articles, your main aim is to start writing. Create your blogs using blogger (which is free tool provided by Google) and start putting your thoughts and share with your friends and family...
Remember no body is born perfect; it's a skill they learn.
Or the lazy way is to outsource someone.
So, In a nutshell, Article Marketing is not a tough topic and it can help you bring quality traffic to your website and also it can help you get indexed in a Google.
Thanks, Shaishav
PS: Article Marketing is a vast area and I have just shared some basic techniques.