Technology Networking & Internet

12.5 Simple Strategies to Drive Massive Traffic to Your Website for F.REE (Part 1)

Starting an online business can be quite simple for those with deep pockets. But for the rest of us, there are a few roadblocks aspiring internet marketers and online business owners needs to overcome. Usually, in the beginning of an online career, the most challenging obstacle that I often notice is "How to drive traffic to my website, with minimal cost?"

What I'm going to do in this series of articles is to list down a few of the most effective F.REE traffic generation strategies out there and a brief step-by-step guide on how to execute them.

Let's begin.

List of F.REE Traffic Generation Strategies:

1. Article marketing
2. Optimize your site for search Engines
3. Niche Specific JV Giveaways Events
4. Blogging
5. Video Marketing
6. Web 2.0
7. Social Networking sites
8. Forums
9. Yahoo! Answers
10. Quizzes
11. Petitions
12. Social Bookmarking Sites
12.5. Viral Marketing

1. Article marketing

Writing a 300 - 800 word article that answers you targeted niche's challenges is one of the best ways to drive consistent traffic to your site.

People who go on the internet to look for solutions to their problems will find your article, they will read it, and some will find the solution you offered insightful and valuable, therefore would want to receive more related helpful information from you.

This is when naturally they will be compelled to go to your website thus giving you more targeted traffic.

Steps to take:

Write one (1) article a day that is interesting and solves a specific problem in your targeted niche.

Submit your article to at least 10 most popular article directories on the net.

Make sure you add an effective call to action and link at the resource box (bottom part of the article) that leads those who want more info from you to go to your website.

In one year you will have over 300 articles submitted to 10 different directories which will create 3000 high quality one-way-links to your website. If one link brings you just 10 targeted traffic that will equal to 30,000 highly targeted leads landing on your site.

(Just a side note: there are some single articles that gets viewed a few hundred thousand times!)

2. Optimize your site for search Engines

There are 3 basic ways you can optimize your website to pull in search engine traffic. For now, I will not explain why or how it works (that's another article), just know that it does.

2a. On-page optimization

Step1: Uncover Keywords

Go to and type in the more common keywords that describe your niche market. Your task is to find a keyword that is often used in searches and yet with not too much competition.

Step 2: Ranking your page

Choose 2 key words to optimize per page of your website. Sprinkle these words naturally in your content text, navigation menu and links. Note: the content of each page needs to be created based on those keywords chosen.

2b. Off-page optimization

The thing is, the earlier On-page optimization strategy will not affect the ranking of your website as much as these next strategies will.

This is because Google doesn't index and rank pages solely on the content on the pages. Instead, they look for votes from third party sites. The higher the votes, the better the ranking of your site. These votes are also known as one-way-incoming links. Sound familiar?

There are 3 basic ways this can be done:

2bi. Swap links
Look for a website in your niche market with an average to high page rank and make a deal with the owner of the website to swap links. You scratch my back- and I'll scratch yours. This will be a win-win for both sites.

2bii. Submit site to Relevant Directories
There are many niche directories whereby you can submit your site at and create a link back.

2biii. Submit articles to Article Directories
Yes, we already began creating these earlier with the articles. Submit articles to article directories. There are over 400 article directories out there ( for example) and also many sofwares that can automate your submissions.

In the next installment of "12.5 Simple Strategies to Drive Massive Traffic to Your Website for F.REE", I will show you how to Turbo charge your traffic generation through 'JV Giveways Events' and how to use your Blog to generate quality traffic to your website, PLUS at the same time earning some good income on the side.

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