Health & Medical Men's Health

3 Tips for Curing Your Impotence Problems

Impotence (erectile dysfunction) is the last thing on a man's mind, particularly when he is actively into sex.
Yet your body may not always comply with your sexual desires and you may find yourself in trouble with erection difficulties.
Should you ever experience erectile dysfunction, the first thing you will seek is a treatment that gives you immediate relief.
As you don't want to waste those precious moments of physical intimacy with your partner, this article will not take much of your time in giving you precise tips that may help you overcome impotence problems and enjoy a healthy and happy sex life.
Tip 1: Modify your lifestyle Lifestyle modification is a good way to improve your erections and get back to a normal sex life.
If you lead an indisciplined life with inconsistent eating habits, excessive smoking and drinking and very little physical activities, you may be a prime candidate for erectile dysfunction.
Most impotence treatment clinics would give you the following two tips to begin with.
First, take a look at what you eat and when you eat.
Take foods that are rich in vitamin and fiber content.
Certain fresh fruits abound in natural anti-oxidants which help remove harmful toxic materials from your system.
Cut down on your daily intake of fatty meals.
Excessive fat not only makes you look bulky from outside, but can also narrow your blood vessels and disrupt smooth flow of blood in your penis, leading to erectile problems.
Viagra blue pills containing sildenafil citrate as the active ingredient can be a great choice to increase blood flow in the penis.
But you should use impotence medicines only when prescribed by a doctor.
When prescribed, you can buy Viagra online from the convenience of your home.
Second, take a look at how many packets of cigarette you smoke every day.
Smoking can invite lots of physical problems which may double the risk for impotence.
For example, type 2 diabetes is a major risk factor for it.
Smokers tend to suffer more from type 2 diabetes compared to non-smokers.
Smoking may also cause arterial plaques and inhibit blood flow in the penis.
By reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke every day, you may improve your sex life immensely.
Tip 2: Take a look at your relationship Hardly any man complains about erection problems while masturbating.
It is only during sexual intercourse that your penis may refuse to get erect.
So the cause behind your erectile issues may well be hidden in the quality of your relationship with your partner.
Some partners go cold after a while and get involved in extramarital relationships.
Some may suffer from other problems such as stress, anxiety and depression and find it difficult to concentrate on a healthy sex life.
Do a self-counseling to find out whether or not you are on intimate terms with your partner.
If necessary, take help from a professional counselor.
To find out whether or not you are experiencing erectile dysfunction only because of psychological factors, you can check morning erections.
If you get morning erections, chances are high that you don't have any penile problems to worry about.
Erectile dysfunction treatment with prescription medicines like Viagra treat only the physical part of the problem.
Tip 3: Exercise Certain exercises are known to be helpful for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Before visiting your doctor to discuss about Viagra, you can try at home a simple exercise called Kegels.
Many experts recommend this exercise for strengthening the PC muscles.
Lower abdominal exercises may also help you have increased blood flow to your penis.

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