Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

About Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding refers to the infant being fed by its mother with breast milk. The baby sucks on its mother's breast rather than the mother using a baby bottle or a milk container. The babies can suck on the breasts as they have a sucking reflex to suck and swallow the milk.

Period of breastfeeding

The mother should breastfeed her child for at least the first six months without adding any other type of food. Breastfeeding is more than enough for the baby as the milk has all the essential nutrients that the baby needs.

Studies show that a mother's milk is the healthiest food for the baby, no matter whether it is a human or an animal. However the mother should take the doctor's suggestion in case she is suffering from a major disease such as HIV, cancer or tuberculosis. She should also consult the doctor in case she is taking heavy medications. The World Health Organization vigorously promotes breastfeeding for the first six months for the child.


Breast milk is said to contain all nutrients that are essential for the normal growth of the baby. This is because it is made of nutrients absorbed from the mother's bloodstream. The milk has the right amounts of vitamins, protein, sugar, water and fat that is needed for the normal growth of the baby. Breastfeeding burns around 500 calories of the mother on each feeding and hence it helps the mother lose weight. The quality of breast milk depends on the health of the mother. The quality of milk may deteriorate if the mother takes too much of alcoholic drinks, drugs and caffeinated beverages. Hence it is best for mother's to look after their own health along with the health of the baby so that both of them can remain healthy.  

Benefits of Breast Milk

There are many benefits for the infant when it is breastfed. The milk protects the baby from diseases and makes its immune system stronger. The mother's mill has antibodies that protect the baby from contracting diseases. Breast milk also promotes normal growth in the baby as it contains all the essential nutrients that the baby needs.

Breast Milk Pumps

Breastfeeding has benefits for mothers as well. This is because it helps burn calories of the mother. It also helps in developing the bond between the mother and the child. There are certain hormones released during breast feeding and this helps to strengthen the mother child bond. It can also help in promoting the paternal bond between the father and the child. In case the mother is not able to personally feed the child on time then she may make use of breast pumps to extract the milk in a bottle. The milk can then be warmed and given to the child. The breast pump is a great asset for working mothers who are not always present to feed the child.

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