Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Don"t Settle For "Cheap" Car Insurance

Nobody wants to feel like they're paying too much for their insurance coverage.
In fact, in today's tight economy making economical choices about your insurance is a must! That need has driven hundreds of car insurance companies to offer cheap car insurance coverage at bargain basement prices.
Don't settle for "cheap" car insurance coverage just because you need cheap car insurance.
Car insurance companies have to make a profit too, and with the rising cost of medical care and inflation in car repair they're doing it by raising the prices of their insurance policies.
That's good news for them, bad news for people whose budgets won't stretch far enough to cover $200 worth of premiums each month.
But wait! There's hope on the horizon.
There are companies out there offering car insurance rates well below average, all in the interest of making sure every driver has the insurance coverage they need What most people don't realize when they start listening to advertisements for car insurance policies is that those too-good-to-be-true are exactly that-too good to be true.
Not that they couldn't theoretically get coverage at that price (truth in advertising and all that), but what they don't realize is that bargain basement prices usually come with bottom basement, bare minimum, just-enough-to-keep-you-from-going-to-jail-for-being-underinsured coverage.
 Before you leap on top of the lowest car insurance rates you can find, take a second to check out what the company has to offer.
First and foremost, what are your maximum liability insurance levels going to be? Liability is one of the most important types of coverage you'll ever carry on your car, because it's the one that's going to keep you from being sued for thousands of dollars worth of damages to other people's property (and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of medical bills!) after you've been in an accident.
Unfortunately, when it comes to liability insurance the state minimum usually isn't enough to keep you safe out on the highways.
Most experts recommend you carry a minimum of $100,000 to $300,000 in liability coverage.
Any less than that, and you're leaving the door wide open for disaster.
Next, what about comprehensive and collision? If you're financing your car you're going to be required to carry both of these.
It would be a really, really good idea to make sure you have it anyway, unless you happen to have all the money you need to replace your car any time it needs replacing due to fire, hailstorms or accidents caused by the local wildlife.
Not to mention repairs to your own vehicle after an accident.
This extra coverage is going to raise the rates a little bit, but it's not going to do nearly as much damage to your bank account as being caught in the middle of an accident without it.
Finally, what about uninsured motorist insurance? Or rental insurance? Both of these are going to be invaluable if you're the victim of a hit and run or you total your car 700 miles from home and don't want to take up Forrest Gump's habit of jogging from coast to coast.
The bottom line is, cheap car insurance isn't always the best kind of car insurance.
Make sure you know exactly what you're getting for your money before you sign on the dotted line.

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