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Html Past And Present

To get the most out of CSS, your HTML code needs to provide a solid, well-built foundation. This shows you how to write better, more CSS throughout your site, html actually become easier to write .you no longer need to worry about trying to turn html into the processing of Denver web design maven it was never intended to be; instead, css offers all the graphic design touches youll likely ever want. and your job becomes simpler since html pages written to work with css require less code ,less typing ,and are easier to create .they all also download faster-a welcome bonus your sites visitors will appreciate

HTML: Past and Present

As discussed in the introduction, HTML and its successor, XHTML, provide the foundation for every page you encounter on the World Wide Web .when you add css into the mix, the way you use html changes. Say goodbye to repurposing awkward html tags merely to achieve certain visual effects. Some html tags and attributes-like the tag-you can forget completely.

HTML Past: Whatever Looked Good

When a bunch of scientists created the web to help share and keep track of technical documentation, nobody called in the graphic designers. All the scientists needed HTML to do was to clearly structure information for easy comprehension.

But as soon as people besides scientist started using HTML, they wanted their web pages to look good. So Colorado web designers started to use tags to control appearance rather than structure information. You a use use headline tags to make any text bigger and bolder-regardless of whether it functions as heading.

In an even more elaborate workaround, designers learned how to use the tag to create columns of text, and to accurately place pictures and text on a page .unfortunately, since that tag was intended to display spreadsheet-like data research resulted, train schedules,

and so on designers had to get creative by using the tag in unusual ways, sometimes nesting a table within a table within a table in order to make their pages look good.

Meanwhile, browser makers introduced new tags and attributes for the specific purpose of making a page look better. The tag lets you specify a font color, typeface, and one of seven different sizes.

Finally, when designers couldnt get exactly what they wanted, they often resorted to using graphics. theyd use a very large graphic as background for a web page or slice it up into smaller graphic files and piece them back together inside tabled to recreates the original image.

While all of the above techniques using tags in creative ways, taking advantage of design a specific tag attributes, and making extensive use of graphics a provide design control over your pages, they also add a lot of additional html code.

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