Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Toddler Stuttering - How to Handle Stuttering in Younger Children

The toddler years are some to the important times in a child's life.
This the time when they will learn the majority of the skills they will need to function.
They will learn physical things as well as mental behavior.
When a toddler starts the process of learning to speak, there may be some signs of stuttering.
It is very important to keep concerns about a child's stuttering private.
A toddler should not know that their stuttering is an issue.
Instead of making a big deal of the situation, a parent should do the following; 1.
) Always speak with your toddler clearly and slowly to encourage them to follow in your speech pattern.
Speaking slowly causes your toddler to pick up on your speech patterns which in turn will make them take their time to enunciate their words 2.
) Do not rush your toddler if he or she is stuck on a word.
Give them all the time they need to finish their sentence.
Giving them time to finish their sentence will alarm them that anything is wrong.
) Once again, do not make the toddler feel that their stuttering is an issue.
Always reassure them that everything is fine.
If the child sense that there is a problem, they might become hesitant about speaking out loud which would then make it hard to deal with the issue.
) Do not cut off your toddlers sentence in the middle of them talking.
Toddlers feel accomplished when they can do thing on their own, allowing them to finish their sentence will make their self confidence increase.
Dealing with the toddler stuttering issue is a delicate job that has to be handled carefully.
Most toddler stuttering cases can be resolved within a few months.
If the situation persist for longer than six months, a speech therapist should be considered as an option.

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