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A Simple Remedy for a Puppy's Weepy Eyes

    Trim Long Hair Around the Eyes

    • Long hair around the eyes and long lashes are often the cause of excessive eye discharge in a dog. The long hair irritates the eye triggering the tearing. The simplest of all remedies is to keep the hair growth under control by regularly trimming the hair around the eyes. Use blunt scissors to trim the hair, keeping the tip of the scissors parallel to the eyes. Ask someone for help to hold your dog while you do this, or if you don't feel comfortable ask your dog groomer to take care of it.

    Protect Eyes During Shampooing and Insecticides

    • Protect your puppy's eyes from getting irritated when you wash his hair or when you are applying insecticides like flea treatment. Shampoo-water or medicine that gets in his eyes can cause irritation and excess discharge. If shampoo or lotion does get in his eyes, rinse immediately and thoroughly. If you find it too difficult to keep the eyes chemical free during washing or treatment, consider using ophthalmic drops that protect the eyes before a wash.

    Wash Eyes Regularly

    • The best thing you can do to keep your dog's weepy eyes under control is to regularly wash them, several times a day if needed. Using a soft and clean washcloth or sterile cotton ball that is damp with warm water, gently wipe the eyes from the outer edge towards the inner edge. Do not use the same cotton ball or part of the washcloth for both eyes. If there is a lot of discharge, try using artificial tear drops several times a day.

    Avoid Eye Tearing Behavior

    • Several dog behaviors can irritate eyes and increase discharge, so avoiding these activities will help prevent potential eye problems. Fights with other dogs or cats, for example, can result in scratches that lead to eye discharge. And while your dog may love sticking his head out of the car window, this is another dangerous activity that can lead to overly watery eyes. Also, keep your pet away from grass treated with pesticides.

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