Simple Do it Yourself Tips to Treat Yeast Infection On Your Own
Most of us feel embarrassed to consult a doctor regarding how to cure yeast infection.
This is because the problem pertains to our private parts about which we feel awkward to discuss most of the time.
The good news is that you can cure this infection without going to a doctor.
You can make use of home remedies for yeast infection to get permanent lasting relief from the infection.
Here are some effective home remedies for treating the infection.
1) When our vagina is moist it becomes an ideal breeding ground for yeast and bacteria to thrive in.
So the first thing you can do to keep the fungi away is to keep the vagina clean and moisture free.
2) Sanitary pads which are scented contain chemicals which often trigger the infection.
Hence go in for the unscented ones.
Wear cotton panties as far as possible to let your vagina breathe freely.
3) Apple cider vinegar has strong antifungal and antibacterial properties.
It is one of the most effective home remedies for yeast infection.
To treat the infection you must pour one cup of vinegar into a warm bath.
Soak in it with your legs apart for around 15 minutes or till the water becomes cool.
4) Another home remedy which is very useful is yogurt.
For making use of this dip a tampon into plain yogurt with live cultures in it.
Make use of the unflavored, unsweetened variety.
Insert it into the vagina twice a day.
There are many effective home remedies for yeast infection which provide quick relief from vaginal itching and other related symptoms.
However you must bear in mind that not all remedies work alike for all women.
You need to devote some personal time and efforts if you really wish to know how to cure yeast infection with the help of home remedies.
This is because the problem pertains to our private parts about which we feel awkward to discuss most of the time.
The good news is that you can cure this infection without going to a doctor.
You can make use of home remedies for yeast infection to get permanent lasting relief from the infection.
Here are some effective home remedies for treating the infection.
1) When our vagina is moist it becomes an ideal breeding ground for yeast and bacteria to thrive in.
So the first thing you can do to keep the fungi away is to keep the vagina clean and moisture free.
2) Sanitary pads which are scented contain chemicals which often trigger the infection.
Hence go in for the unscented ones.
Wear cotton panties as far as possible to let your vagina breathe freely.
3) Apple cider vinegar has strong antifungal and antibacterial properties.
It is one of the most effective home remedies for yeast infection.
To treat the infection you must pour one cup of vinegar into a warm bath.
Soak in it with your legs apart for around 15 minutes or till the water becomes cool.
4) Another home remedy which is very useful is yogurt.
For making use of this dip a tampon into plain yogurt with live cultures in it.
Make use of the unflavored, unsweetened variety.
Insert it into the vagina twice a day.
There are many effective home remedies for yeast infection which provide quick relief from vaginal itching and other related symptoms.
However you must bear in mind that not all remedies work alike for all women.
You need to devote some personal time and efforts if you really wish to know how to cure yeast infection with the help of home remedies.