Health & Medical Women's Health

Can Food Worsen Fibroids? 4 Categories of Food to Avoid During Uterine Fibroid Treatment

Have you ever noticed the cause and effect relationship between what you eat and its effect on the body? Simple ailments like the common cold can get started because of specific food that you consume.
This is true for most ailments including fibroids.
In this article I am going to explain about specific food which can aggravate fibroid tumors.
I am going to list food which you must avoid while undergoing treatment for uterine fibroids.
Irrespective of the uterine fibroid treatment plan you choose, you should pay attention to what you eat.
You must avoid foods which can motivate the growth of fibroid tumors.
Needless to say you must abstain from consuming these in case you wish to shrink your fibroids naturally.
Trust me staying away from these foods is much easier than putting up with fibroid symptoms.
I have broadly categorized these foods into 4 groups which are given below 1.
Fizzy drinks While undergoing treatment for uterine fibroids avoid fizzy drinks and sugared juices.
Replace these with fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
Use organically grown fruits and vegetables as far as possible.
Initially you may find it hard to give up some of these.
However as you get used to fresh fruit juices you will realize its benefits gradually.
White food I started my fibroid cure by completely staying away from white food.
White food includes white bread, white sugar, white potatoes and milk.
The idea here is to include plenty of fiber instead of processed food.
You can easily replace these with brown foods like brown or granary bread, sweet potatoes, goats milk or organic milk.
Coffee and Alcohol Pay particular attention to what you are drinking.
Are you a coffee addict? Both alcohol and caffeine are processed by the liver, which also regulates the amount of estrogen in the blood.
If you stress your liver with alcohol or caffeine-containing beverages, especially coffee, estrogen will accumulate in your blood and stimulate the growth of fibroids.
Therefore unless you cut down your consumption or give these up completely your uterine fibroid treatment plan will fail.
Red Meat and dairy products from non organic sources Exclude red meat and chicken from your diet and replace it with organic chicken and fish instead.
Consuming red meat and dairy products from non organic sources can be very harmful for women suffering from fibroids.
This is because commercial farmers often feed and inject chemicals into livestock to make them grow fast, gain weight and be eligible to be sold for a higher price.
Whenever we consume such meat these chemicals get transferred into our body.
These are known to trigger the growth of fibroids.

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