Travel & Places Latin America

Horse Tours of Volcanos in Costa Rica

    • The Arenal Volcano is the most active in Costa Rica.Rauchwolke am Vulkan Arenal in Costa Rica image by JoeC from

      Out of the approximately 200 volcanoes in Costa Rica, five are classified as active. Located in the northern Guanacaste region, the most active volcano in the country is the Arenal Volcano. Other beautiful but dormant volcanoes in the region include the Miravalles Volcano. Already a popular international tourist destination, Costa Rica provides a number of tour companies that offer excursions on horseback that range from a couple of hours to day-long adventures led by experienced guides to beautiful vantage points (see Reference 1).

    Don Tobias Horseback Ride to the Volcano

    • The cone of the Arenal Volcano is approximately 5,358 feet above sea level.arenal 0003 image by Tanguy de Saint Cyr from

      The Don Tobias Horseback Ride to the Volcano Arenal, managed by Arenal Volcano Tours, offers a three-hour horseback tour through forests, cow pastures, a lagoon and eventually to a lookout point near the Arenal Volcano. Named after a local horse breeder, it provides two tours a day (8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.). As of August 2010, prices are $55 for adults and $45 for children under 13 years of age. Transportation is also available from a number of regional hotels for an additional fee (see Reference 2).

      Arenal Volcano Tours


      Costa Rica


    Costa Rica Horseback Riding - Monteverde

    Desafio Arenal Volcano Tours

    Miravalles Volcano Adventure Center

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