Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Fitness - The Power of Change

Can you do it? Can you bring about these healthful changes in your lifestyle? Of course you' can! What is change but reformation? And what does reformation lead to but growth? Indeed, even as we write reformation continues all around us - in Nature, economy, politics, and in thought.
The entire concept of evolution hinges on change, Your body itself is a marvelous ever-cnanglng empty.
As you create, see, near, touch, all those impulses are triggering billions of changing processes within you, The spirit of change is blended into your being.
Yes, you have the great, priceless ability to bring about any change that betters your life.
It is indisputable.
It is written.
Once you recognise your wonderful ability to change your thought process, you will realise how easy it is to switch to a better life-style smoothly and painlessly.
Let us take a simple example.
Suppose we tell you, "Think of a huge elephant" Immediately, you, envision a huge, grey elephant with large floppy ears, a curving trunk, tiny wise eyes, wrinkled folds of hide.
But what if you wish to see it differently? You can do that too.
You can imagine a bonsai-version of an elephant with a pink little body, pink floppy ears and large, mischievous eyes.
Wasn't that simple'? That is the power of change, You can change anything you wish.
In this gift of being able to change is the ability to control, to redirect, to channelise into new avenues.
This is the great gift that you can call upon to improve and enhance your life.
With your mental dynamo having shifted into a new orbit you will know the harm that the wrong kind of food can do to your insides.
You free yourself from acquired unhealthy memories, tune into real, health-filled messages - because the power to change is indisputably yours.
The New Reality Change brings with it a new reality.
It is a gradual process, a silent one ­like- dew falling softly on freshly-turned soil and bringing to life a new sapling.
It is your private personal reality.
It has a self - healing quality because it has no outside pressure to stem it As long as you resist change.
unknown to you, you put an inner pressure on yourself.
It is like a thorn in the flesh.
It continues to prick.
But once you have recognised the power of change, once you have attuned yourself to that power, there is a vast relief That is because you have stopped building a mental dam.
Instead, you have opened the gates and allowed the waters of health to wash over you.
The power of change itself suggests a flexibility in your outlook.
A rigid stance gets you nowhere.
A flexible one opens new windows to new realities.
Throw a seed on hard, concrete surface.
it will just lie there and rot, Throw it on a patch of soil.
It will slowly sink into the flexible softness and send out new shoots.
As your eyes open to this new reality, you will find yourself seeking new pastures to grow in.
There is no inner pressure, so the healing has begun.
Nobody is forcing you to exercise.
But you yourself are attracted to it.
Its the compelling pull of your mental dynamics.
Your eyes, your ears, your mind, are aware of the promising new world, the glorious possibilities it offers.
In this change is an acceptance.
In acceptance is the new reality.
In shedding the old skin a new one emerges.
In these new circumstances it is your - instinct for survival that surfaces, your.
intuition that now guides you on the path of health.
As you walk farther and farther away from your old conditioning.
you will find your mind has new realms to explore.
There is no place for the old.
As you garner the fruits of fitness, you will begin to understand yourself and also relate to others.
As we have discovered.
so will you - that experience is the best teacher.
And nothing can hold you back anymore.

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