Society & Culture & Entertainment Digital Art

Drafting A General Concept For Photograph A Necessity

Portrait photography is being judged again as an art form. According to one artist, the portraits that he makes are affected by a reaction to the traditional confrontational nature of portraiture. This photographer tired of seeing careless characterization in the portraits he took of individuals.

This is an idea worth considering. Media portraiture is mistakenly perceived as cool when in reality, it's dull. The subjects of the photography simply take on poses for unexpected settings when the photographer tells them to do so.

To keep this type of work from being extremely dull, this photographer suggests giving the sitter more freedom to make decisions in the shoot. Creating 13 portraits of creative people from the city of Pittsburgh was done by collaboration. Sitters have the freedom to choose where they want the shot done, and can give other suggestions. This is different from what is commonly practiced in the profession.

There are no preconceived thoughts made by this artist for a project. A preliminary meeting is needed to work out the general concept of the photograph. Usually, the sitter helps him when he already tries to look for the perfect site. Sets are usually constructed, and they resemble confined cell like structures.

A sculptor decided on being seen with his own work in the photograph, while a writer chose to be seen in a bar scenario. Using bridges as a setting was an idea, but it came out seemingly accidental.

His photographs show that he is highly skilled in creating awesome lighting effects. These were not done during the developing and printing of the pictures. Using colored gels and lighting equipment, he is able to create a beautiful array of colorful effects. The duration of exposure for these photographs is tedious. The exposure time for the nocturnal portrait of someone outside a bar was long enough for the sitter to actually walk in and out of the camera's range.

Then, he can return armed with a wand of light with which he can use to write letters in the air, which is recorded by the camera. People went in and came out of the bar during the exposure, but there was no trace of them ever being there found on film. You would notice in the photographs taken in the garden of a factory how the lighting produces such simplicity amidst all the chromatic luxury.

Though photography was something he learned on his own, he shows a great deal of professionalism in what he does. It is often difficult for him to collaborate because he tends to exert this sense of wanting to control the decision making process. The artist's decision is still the final decision. The photographs, being reversal prints, have all been professionally printed.

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