Tips for Weaving Good and Enticing Article
Writing is art and it comes naturally from the mind of the writer. Words oozes like stream of water and the sentences are weaved keeping in mind the topic and the audience to whom it is targeted.
Article writing is nothing but promoting a topic or sharing information to the internet readers. It is to be developed in such a manner that it appeals the mammoth audience instantly. Interesting articles are like signature for the creditability of the organization as well of its website.
Writing good article is not a cake walk activity. There are certain techniques and norms that have to be maintained in article writing and any good article should have:
EUR Fresh: Authenticity is the core of good article. Unique, informative and appealing article ropes in mammoth target audience on one hand and on the other it attracts search engine crawlers that give top rankings to the content.
EUR Precise: Article should not have content that is not precise and that is irrelevant. Good article should be such that it should have precise content that is interesting and informative.
EUR Accurate: An article to be good should be accurate and should deliver the information that is true in every manner. False, misleading and fake article will affect the creditability of the site and the organization as a whole. The web visitor will not waste time and switch to the competitorEUR(TM)s site immediately.
EUR Eye catchy: Article should to alluring in such a manner that will entice the audience who will develop trust and confidence in the write up and will take optimistic action.
EUR Good beginning: Article should have good beginning. Well formed beginning will create interest in the minds of the readers who will be motivated to read the entire article. As it is said the good beginning means half the battle won.
EUR Conclusion: Good article must have good and thought provoking conclusion. Concluding paragraph must give full gist of the entire topic and must in the nutshell explain the details of the entire topic for which the article is weaved.
EUR Concentrate on the number of words: Normally article should be of more than 500 words. Based on the topic one can architect the article up to 750 words. Words should be such that it is relevant to the topic and are easily related to.
EUR Simple language: Article should have simple language. In other words should be such that they are easily related and their meaning is easily understood. Difficult words and jargons may cause confusion in the minds of the readers who will find difficult to understand the entire write up and eventually switch over to the competitorEUR(TM)s site.
EUR Keywords: Keywords are the ones which the visitors type in the search engine while searching for the site. Good article must have correct density of keywords that are spaced perfectly. One much not over load the article with too many keywords as it may result in spam. Article with correct density of keywords will achieve good ranks in the search engine listings.
EUR Spelling mistakes should be avoided: Articles should not have any spelling mistakes, grammatical and typographical. With such mistakes in the article, the readers will lose faith and trust in the content
Good article will bring in umpteen number of audience to the site. It enhances the creditability of the organization and the website which will witness increase in web traffic to the site
Article writing is nothing but promoting a topic or sharing information to the internet readers. It is to be developed in such a manner that it appeals the mammoth audience instantly. Interesting articles are like signature for the creditability of the organization as well of its website.
Writing good article is not a cake walk activity. There are certain techniques and norms that have to be maintained in article writing and any good article should have:
EUR Fresh: Authenticity is the core of good article. Unique, informative and appealing article ropes in mammoth target audience on one hand and on the other it attracts search engine crawlers that give top rankings to the content.
EUR Precise: Article should not have content that is not precise and that is irrelevant. Good article should be such that it should have precise content that is interesting and informative.
EUR Accurate: An article to be good should be accurate and should deliver the information that is true in every manner. False, misleading and fake article will affect the creditability of the site and the organization as a whole. The web visitor will not waste time and switch to the competitorEUR(TM)s site immediately.
EUR Eye catchy: Article should to alluring in such a manner that will entice the audience who will develop trust and confidence in the write up and will take optimistic action.
EUR Good beginning: Article should have good beginning. Well formed beginning will create interest in the minds of the readers who will be motivated to read the entire article. As it is said the good beginning means half the battle won.
EUR Conclusion: Good article must have good and thought provoking conclusion. Concluding paragraph must give full gist of the entire topic and must in the nutshell explain the details of the entire topic for which the article is weaved.
EUR Concentrate on the number of words: Normally article should be of more than 500 words. Based on the topic one can architect the article up to 750 words. Words should be such that it is relevant to the topic and are easily related to.
EUR Simple language: Article should have simple language. In other words should be such that they are easily related and their meaning is easily understood. Difficult words and jargons may cause confusion in the minds of the readers who will find difficult to understand the entire write up and eventually switch over to the competitorEUR(TM)s site.
EUR Keywords: Keywords are the ones which the visitors type in the search engine while searching for the site. Good article must have correct density of keywords that are spaced perfectly. One much not over load the article with too many keywords as it may result in spam. Article with correct density of keywords will achieve good ranks in the search engine listings.
EUR Spelling mistakes should be avoided: Articles should not have any spelling mistakes, grammatical and typographical. With such mistakes in the article, the readers will lose faith and trust in the content
Good article will bring in umpteen number of audience to the site. It enhances the creditability of the organization and the website which will witness increase in web traffic to the site