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Tarp Shelters For Lightweight Backpackers

Why use tarp shelters? The biggest reason ultralight backpackersuse them is to reduce pack weight. The lightest tent you canfind will be close to three pounds. Some of the newestultralight tarps weigh just seven ounces.

Weight isn't the only advantage of tarp shelters, though. Theyalso give you room to move, and you can easily look around. Youcan quickly take them down when you're ready to go. If it's wet,just shake it off and it will fit in an outside pocket of yourbackpack. Even if they were the same weight, I'd still prefer atarp over a tent for most trips.

The lightest of my own tarp shelters weighs 16 ounces with allthe strings. That seems heavy now, when I look at the newultralight tarps out there. Integral Designs Sil Tarp 5' x 8',for example, weighs just 7 ounces.

The Bozeman Mountain Works Stealth 0 Catenary RidgelineUlralight Backpacking Tarp weighs an amazing 5.7 ounces. With aname like that, you know it has to be expensive. Of course,almost any backpacking tarp will be lighter - and cheaper - thanthe lightest tents out there.

How To Use Tarp Shelters

You'll probably need a bigger tarp than you think. A seven-footroof may seem like it will cover your six-foot body well enough,until a blowing rain soaks your feet. Proper use is even moreimportant than size, though.

Pitch the low side into the wind. Keep all sides low if a stormis coming. Evenly tighten guy lines. Use rocks, trees, trekkingpoles and whatever else helps. Pitch the tarp tightly, to keepit from flapping in the wind too much, which can loosen thestrings or cause the tarp to tear.

If you haven't used tarp shelters before, experiment until youcan quickly set up in several different enviroments. Bringlightweight stakes, until you learn how to use sticks and treesand rocks. No stakes means less weight to carry. I've alwaysfound something to use, even up high on the tundra.

You might have to treat the seams with a sealant occasionally,or at least when you first buy your tarp. Buy seam-sealeranyplace that sells tarps and tents. You'll need string or cordof some sort for tie-downs. I put varying lengths around thetarp, so I can untie and use the long ones where I need them.Sometimes that tree will be a little too far away.

I use 4' by 7' pieces of plastic for groundsheets. They'reopened-up giant garbage bags that weigh 2 ounces. They'redisposable, but I've used one for a week in the Rockies, andthey're cheap and easy to replace. Whatever you use, lay yourbag on it, to be sure you'll have room. You don't want to betouching the wet ground just because you moved a little. On theother hand, if it's too big it will catch rain out near the edgeof the tarp, and funnel it back to you.

Mosquitos keep a lot of ultralight backpackers from using tarpshelters. Repellant is a partial solution, as is using the tarponly when it isn't too buggy. A headnet helps, but keeping therest of your body covered when it's warm isn't pleasant. Pitchcamp in a high, breezy place and you'll have fewer bug problems.

There are also mesh shelters you can pitch under your tarp. Thelightest I've seen weighs 1 pound, 7 ounces. With a 7-ouncetarp, you'd be under 2 pounds for a shelter, and it comes with afloor, so you don't have to bring a groundsheet. Ultralighttarps and tarp shelters, by the way, weigh less than 20 ounces,a standard I just invented, but it seems reasonable.

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