Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

5 Fatal Mistakes You Probably Make in Copywriting

If you browse around the internet for 15 minutes or so and look at various sales copies in a range of niche markets, you'll quickly notice that most people really don't get what they are doing.
They are stumbling around at best and any sales made are only due to the customer's burning desire to solve a problem - no pushing done on their part.
This article is about fixing the 5 most common mistakes I witnessed in copywriting throughout 9 years of my career.
And in that time, numerous clients have experienced a significant boost in response just by correcting these fatal yet easy to fix mistakes.
Want to know what they are?
  1. The first fatal mistake is to not capture email addresses.
    You probably heard it before but I feel the need to reiterate the fact that "they money is in the list"! The money you make from that initial is small in comparison to the revenue you can potentially make if you have a responsive list to mail to.
  2. The second fatal mistake is to not use a capture page to capture those email addresses.
    Capture pages out-capture email addresses than any other pages...
    Since the money in the back-end is far greater than that one sale, an valid email address is arguably more valuable than that one-time profit.
    Though you may experience a slight drop in sales, the amount of money you will make by mailing those additional leads will far outweigh them.
  3. Most of us are just too lazy (or impatient) when it comes to our research.
    That's fatal mistake number 3.
    Not doing your research blinds you from the true desires of your target market.
    You'll never get them do anything if you can't channel those desires to your product...
    and how can you channel those desires if don't know it.
  4. Missing a compelling call-to-action is mistake number 4.
    How many times have you experienced a situation where you are ready to buy but just can't seem to find where to do it.
    This kind of situation happens more often than you think, especially if the website is not using a sales letter format.
    Complex navigation often contribute to this problem by confusing web users of where to click.
  5. Nothing in copywriting is set in stone.
    Great copywriters break copywriting "rules" all the time.
    The important part is you make profit...
    lots of them.
    So to really know what's working best for you, you have to track and test your sales letter.
    I've seen too many amateur copywriters who are just too lazy to implement a testing system.
    They thought if they followed all the rules and take other people's test results as their own, they can craft a compelling sales letter.
    They never seem to succeed.
There, 5 fatal mistakes to always avoid if you wish to make a profit.
By avoiding these fatal mistakes, you're already head and shoulders above 90% of all the websites out there.

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