Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Christmas Stress

I made a very obvious discovery this Christmas season; that no matter how much we try, say and attempt to create a stress free season, it seems to never simplify but gets worse with every passing year.
I hear so many people say "this year I am going to do things different", but to no avail.
The stores fill more and more with potential gifts, cards and stocking stuffers.
How did we lose our way, the true meaning of the birth of our lord and savior? I want to see if I can crack the code to making a Christmas different.
It is too late this year to start seeing what good can be done this season, but we have a whole year to figure out what we can do differently.
I can't change how other people deal with this time of year, but I really want to examine how I can make a difference.
I challenge you, the reader, to do the same.
What I want to take a look at is the gift giving we go crazy over.
How many people do you know, including yourself, worry themselves into a frenzy finding "just the right gift" for every person they know, have ever known and the people they suspect might get them a gift? Why is it that we go into debt so we have to spend all year trying to pay it off, to get gifts for people who very likely do not need for anything? I have seen for as many years as I have been on this planet, the piles and piles of presents given in vain.
Where do these gifts go? Don't you ever wonder what will happen to all these gifts? I would be willing to bet that many of them end up in garages, junk drawers or at the next family yard sale.
So this is how we lost the Christmas meaning, we have focused on things instead of the truly important things in life.
Loving one another and putting Christ in the center.
Add up the money you spend on all aspects of Christmas; from presents, cards, wrapping paper, trees, decorations and much more and I ask that you evaluate whether this is really where your money is needed.
If, like me, you have decided that this is foolish to the extent it is currently.
There is another way.
There are people in true need.
Not far away in Africa, but right here in the land of the "American Dream".
The idea of a house with a white picket fence, a husband and wife and 3 kids is far from reality for so many Americans.
Instead of piling our houses with knick- knacks and more gadgets than we could ever possibly enjoy, we have the chance to help those who can't help themselves.
Instead of spending ourselves blind on gifts, let us give to the homeless, hungry and sick.
There are many reputable charities out there that strive to bless those in need.
If Jesus were here on this Earth today, how would he spend his earnings? I believe he would serve others and help those in need, just as he did in his time.
There is so many things that can distract us from what God intended us to do with our money, let us not forget the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Show your gratitude for what you have been blessed with by blessing others.
Next year is a new opportunity, will you continue the cycle of materialism, or will you chose a new path...
one of giving and love?

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