Your Cholesterol Readings - How To Make Sense Of Them
It is highly recommended that one gets their cholesterol levels checked once in few months.
The cholesterol reading received will basically consist of the total level of cholesterol, level of lipoproteins, triglycerides and levels of lipoprotein cholesterol (high density).
This report will enable the physician to get a basic overall view of ones health.
If your physician needs different levels checked which gives a combination reading.
It is a splendid idea if one has the three levels of cholesterol which are nothing but the sum of the cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol regularly monitored and verified.
The optimal range of total cholesterol is around 200mg to 239mg with 200mg being the spot on value.
Researchers have predicted that one is at a risk of attack or any other heart disease if their total reading is above 240mg.
Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol LDL form of cholesterol is the kind one must avoid, in other words the bad one.
This type of cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases by blocking the arteries with deposits of cholesterol.
Hence having levels of bad cholesterol which tend to the higher side are bad for the body.
The idea limit of LDL level of cholesterol is 200 milligrams.
The optimum range being 200-240 milligrams.
Above that is potentially dangerous.
High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol LDL form of cholesterol is the kind one can call the 'good' cholesterol.
Let's look into why it is considered good.
What basically happens is that HDL transfers the surplus cholesterol to the liver from the tissues.
This is converted to bile in the liver by breaking it down.
The idea limit of HDL level of cholesterol is 40 milligrams.
The optimum range being 40-45 milligrams.
Above 60 milligram protects ones heart and improvises on the brain's routines which manage the blood vessels.
Triglycerides Triglycerides are nothing but a kind of the different fats.
It accumulates in ones body as fat and then slips tothe blood stream.
These constitute most of the fats in ones diet.
These harmless looking triglycerides are one of the prime contributes to heart disease.
In the higher ranges of dose it is known to thicken the blood arteries which may lead to a stroke or heart attack or any other kind of heart disease.
The optimum range of triglyceride being between 150 and 199 milligrams, not exceeding above 200.
There is nothing called an ideal reading.
It differs from person to person depending on numerous factors.
If the readings are pretty high a change in lifestyle is recommended.
One must make sure that he maintains a healthy lifestyle to live a long life.
The cholesterol reading received will basically consist of the total level of cholesterol, level of lipoproteins, triglycerides and levels of lipoprotein cholesterol (high density).
This report will enable the physician to get a basic overall view of ones health.
If your physician needs different levels checked which gives a combination reading.
It is a splendid idea if one has the three levels of cholesterol which are nothing but the sum of the cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol regularly monitored and verified.
The optimal range of total cholesterol is around 200mg to 239mg with 200mg being the spot on value.
Researchers have predicted that one is at a risk of attack or any other heart disease if their total reading is above 240mg.
Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol LDL form of cholesterol is the kind one must avoid, in other words the bad one.
This type of cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases by blocking the arteries with deposits of cholesterol.
Hence having levels of bad cholesterol which tend to the higher side are bad for the body.
The idea limit of LDL level of cholesterol is 200 milligrams.
The optimum range being 200-240 milligrams.
Above that is potentially dangerous.
High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol LDL form of cholesterol is the kind one can call the 'good' cholesterol.
Let's look into why it is considered good.
What basically happens is that HDL transfers the surplus cholesterol to the liver from the tissues.
This is converted to bile in the liver by breaking it down.
The idea limit of HDL level of cholesterol is 40 milligrams.
The optimum range being 40-45 milligrams.
Above 60 milligram protects ones heart and improvises on the brain's routines which manage the blood vessels.
Triglycerides Triglycerides are nothing but a kind of the different fats.
It accumulates in ones body as fat and then slips tothe blood stream.
These constitute most of the fats in ones diet.
These harmless looking triglycerides are one of the prime contributes to heart disease.
In the higher ranges of dose it is known to thicken the blood arteries which may lead to a stroke or heart attack or any other kind of heart disease.
The optimum range of triglyceride being between 150 and 199 milligrams, not exceeding above 200.
There is nothing called an ideal reading.
It differs from person to person depending on numerous factors.
If the readings are pretty high a change in lifestyle is recommended.
One must make sure that he maintains a healthy lifestyle to live a long life.