Health & Medical Men's Health

Methods to Stop Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man has an ejaculation shortly after sexual stimulation starts.
He cannot control the urge of ejaculating before the sex lasts long.
This can be unenviable to a man and can leave his partner feeling unsatisfied.
A healthy and a happy sex life are the key to a positive romantic relationship.
Premature ejaculation is common and normal in young men from the time they hit pubescence, and it can happen in subsequent years as well.
If left untreated, it can become a psychological and emotional problem that affects relationships.
Below are the causes and methods to treat premature ejaculation.
There is no well known medical cause for early ejaculation.
Anxiousness, tension and guilt are thought to be contributing factors.
Treatment methods involve the stop-and-squeeze techniques and diversion from sexual stimuli to discourage ejaculation until both partners is ready.
Making use of natural herbs can also help.
It is a good method to treat early ejaculation.
Peppermint oil is a liquid herbal supplement you can apply locally to the erectile organ.
It benumbs the area, which will reduce sensitivity and the urgency to ejaculate.
Magnesium, found in many herbal solutions and pumpkin seeds, can aid victims of premature ejaculation.
Check herbal products meant for early ejaculation treatment to see if they contain magnesium.
Due to the fact that anxiety can cause early ejaculation, an increase in serotonin, the feel good chemical in the brain can help.
Herbs which will enhance serotonin levels include oat straw and Dioscorea paniculata.
5-HTP which is also known as seed extract, is used in premature ejaculation herbal substances.
It increases serotonin levels and delays orgasms.
However, be mindful that too much use of Graffonia can lead to erectile dysfunction problems.

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