Home & Garden Gardening

How to Propagate Lychee

    • 1). Bend a branch from the lychee tree to the ground. Make sure the branch is long enough that a few inches of leaves will be able to pop up from the ground even with a portion of the branch buried.

    • 2). Remove all the leaves from the section to be buried.

    • 3). Turn the soil in the area where the branch touches the ground. Mix in a small amount of perlite to make the soil more water absorbent.

    • 4). Make a cut on the stem just underneath a node.

    • 5). Cover the cut area with 2 to 3 inches of soil to encourage growth. Place a heavy rock on the soil to prevent the branch from coming out of the soil.

    • 6). Check for root formation after the first season. It may take one or two seasons for the branch to take root. Cut the branch from the tree once roots form.

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