Home & Garden Pest Control

Termite Prevention Tips - Natural Ways to Kill Termites So You Can End Your Termite Problem

Natural ways to kill termites are becoming more and more popular, and with good reason.
The environment is already filled with chemicals, and the last thing you want to do is introduce even more of then into your home, where your family lives.
But at the same time, you absolutely do need to do something about your termite problem.
Left unchecked, termites can damage a house to the point where it has to be condemned, and even if it doesn't get that far, they can seriously compromise the value of your home.
Fortunately, you don't have to choose between your family's health and the health of your home, because there are a number of natural methods available to you to combat termite infestation.
They don't all work for all situations, so you'll need to choose one that works for you.
The easiest way to treat termites without using dangerous chemicals to never let them get to your house to begin with.
Most of the time, this is as simple as moving things around at your home.
Termites get into your house either through wood to wood contact or wood to soil contact.
To prevent termites, you need to make sure that these contacts are severed.
The very first thing you need to do is move any wood away from your house.
This means firewood, construction lumber, errant trees and stumps.
All of these are an expressway for termites to get into your home.
You also need to make sure that there is at least six inches of foundation above the soil, and more would be better.
Termites generally won't climb much to get to their food sources, so this should keep you safe from infestation.
One of the oldest natural ways to combat termites is to use boric acid.
Boric acid is cheap and available at most drug stores, hardware ware stores and general home improvement stores.
It usually comes in the form of a white powder, and is generally good for keeping out insects in general.
Boric acid can be used preventatively by treating wood with it before you use, and painting it on the outside of your home will prove to be an effective way to termite proof.
You can also use it to kill a termite colony, with some work.
What you need to do is mix the boric acid in water, and then soak some wooden stakes with it.
After they're saturated, you need to bury the stakes in the ground.
You'll need to use lots of them, and make sure you replace them as they're eaten.
There is also a way to kill termites without using any substance at all, natural at other wise.
You can kill them with heat tenting, where you tent your house and then crank up the temperature with propane heaters.
This will raise the temperature in your house to more than one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit, far higher than the termites will be able to tolerate.
This can be expensive and time consuming, but it's one of the best natural ways to kill termites.

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