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Shedding Light About Lawyer And Non Lawyer Relationship

Hmmm..In every relationship we have, there is always this love-hate dynamic occurring in our individual lives. new relationships, committed and exclusive relationships, with engaged couples and with married couples. If there is not, well I guess it is because you have not known the person for a longer time to find something to tell. In any point, a love-hate relationship does not necessarily mean that passion is gone, intimacy is no longer there, and there is no sincere and deep love felt, as well as commitment and devotion.

Lawyer may have the capability to handle any kind of relationships, being supportive, disciplined, limiting individual and even sabotaging they are good at.

For in case a lawyer is a skilled and talented negotiator, what will the relationship be like?

Many do like lawyers, however, it is such a contradicting part when it comes to the roles to be played at home, especially when the lawyer is married.

Or, does your non-lawyer partner depend on the ("time-is-money-focused") lawyer-partner to manage projects that demand efficient and effective use of time?

Does the partner of the lawyer depend on the sociable lawyer-partner to be an entertainer at a dinner party, to be an ice breaker, and to keep them alive at the party?

Why else might your non-lawyer partner say, "I love your being a lawyer?Does the actions of a non-lawyer partner enough to keep self-satisfaction?

On the other end of the continuum, what might it be about the lawyer-partner that gets in the way of a smooth relationship?

When does the attractive, "plus" side of the lawyer-partner perhaps morph into a more repelling side that may cause resentment or bitterness, or teasing and sarcasm (which are veiled forms of anger and resentment)?

For instance, when a partner wanted to be comforted, needs someone to talk, does the lawyer partner do everything to settle things down, or be sensitive enough or be bitter and unhelpful?

Does the lawyer partner find some ways in clearing things up, or maybe have thorough discussion about the matter, or worse, drive the non-lawyer away from sight? Or, do most discussions become "arguments"?

Does the lawyer-partner need to cross-examine and/or aim to undermine the non-lawyer partner each time the non-lawyer makes a life choice with which the lawyer-partner has a different perspective?

Now, my question. When does it maintain your relationship to hold the office home and when does it maintain the relationship to depart away from the office? My curiosity is directed to lawyers and to non-lawyer spouses or partners who are in relationship with lawyers.

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