Secrets Of A Happy Relationship
A relationship can be a great way to have fun and create a special friendship, as well as learn a lot about yourself and others. You might have a sense that a relationship is happy and going well when you:
* Can laugh and enjoy someone's company
* Feel safe and supported
* Provide safety and support
* Share ideas and feelings
* Respect each other
People in happy relationships shared positive values of commitment, cooperation, loving, acceptance, honesty, respect, responsibility and humor. They lived out these values in their relationship. They down played material success and achievement and defined their relationship in terms of their positive values.
Want to Know Exactly How to Get Your Ex Back?
Tell Him Compliments
They say women like compliments. What they do not say aloud is that men LOVE them. And there is nothing to be ashamed of! When it comes to compliments, we all go weak in the knees"
Where do you start? Well, I am sure your man is great, so there should be thousands of things you can compliment on. Just go with the flow and compliment on whatever he does!
Something simple like "You always make the best coffee, sweetie" or "What a great idea to park here!" wil be enough to light up your mans face. And the best part, is that we actually think that, so basically you just need to say it aloud.
Communication: Communication is key. Learn to talk about everything under the sun and never assume you know. You could be wrong. Many people have failed in this area and ended up depressed, lost and lonely. Believe me; it always helps to talk about something than bottling it up inside of you. Lack of communication will cause you to make wrong conclusions about people and you will never even get a chance to know who you are. When you hear a rumor, dont act on it immediately. Find the facts first, before you take any action. Explaining your thoughts, motives, and plans is very vital. Dont use guesswork; it's unwise. We have ears to hear, eyes too see, hands to make signs, books to read, etc., to be able to get a message across.
Make it a habit to involve each other in making decisions. This way you can think for both of you and also work as a team. You should also consult each other before making any decision which affects both of you. This not only improves the binding with each other but also states that his/her say is equally important in a decision.
Especially of great importance is the fact that both partners should be at an equal level. No one person should try to be superior or put the other person down or even feel inferior. In a marriage both the partners are equal irrespective of their financial background, their educational qualification or other such things.
Be More Positive Than Negative. There's a more effective way to air grievances than to file an angry complaint. Sandwich your negative comment between two positives. If you want to complain about how he's always late, for example, try something like ". You know, I love that youre so laid-back and easygoing, but it really bothers me when you show up so late. Im sure you can still be the fun guy I adore and also be on time. Los Angeles psychologist Yvonne Thomas, PhD
If You Are Think That Every Thing Has Just Ended" Think Again! Now You Can Use These Poweful Tactics To Win Your Ex Back Today!
Faithfulness is always needed in a successful relationship. We can rely on a faithful person because we know what type of person they are. When there is faithfulness present lives are more fulfilled and complete. Even if there are some problems, faithfulness can see us through it.
Keep things interesting. While routines can be simple to follow, it's important to think outside of the box in your relationship to keep an aspect of excitement present. Take a spontaneous trip, or pick up a new hobby with your loved one to help add a little touch of excitement to the relationship. It often works wonders in helping couples that have been going through the same motions for years and years.
Laugh a Lot
Did you pay the credit card bill? Did you do the dishes? Did you pick up the diapers? Life happens, but, every now and then, dedicate some time to being silly and having fun: dance around your living room, eat burritos while wearing sombreros, have your own little wine and cheesy music party...
* Can laugh and enjoy someone's company
* Feel safe and supported
* Provide safety and support
* Share ideas and feelings
* Respect each other
People in happy relationships shared positive values of commitment, cooperation, loving, acceptance, honesty, respect, responsibility and humor. They lived out these values in their relationship. They down played material success and achievement and defined their relationship in terms of their positive values.
Want to Know Exactly How to Get Your Ex Back?
Tell Him Compliments
They say women like compliments. What they do not say aloud is that men LOVE them. And there is nothing to be ashamed of! When it comes to compliments, we all go weak in the knees"
Where do you start? Well, I am sure your man is great, so there should be thousands of things you can compliment on. Just go with the flow and compliment on whatever he does!
Something simple like "You always make the best coffee, sweetie" or "What a great idea to park here!" wil be enough to light up your mans face. And the best part, is that we actually think that, so basically you just need to say it aloud.
Communication: Communication is key. Learn to talk about everything under the sun and never assume you know. You could be wrong. Many people have failed in this area and ended up depressed, lost and lonely. Believe me; it always helps to talk about something than bottling it up inside of you. Lack of communication will cause you to make wrong conclusions about people and you will never even get a chance to know who you are. When you hear a rumor, dont act on it immediately. Find the facts first, before you take any action. Explaining your thoughts, motives, and plans is very vital. Dont use guesswork; it's unwise. We have ears to hear, eyes too see, hands to make signs, books to read, etc., to be able to get a message across.
Make it a habit to involve each other in making decisions. This way you can think for both of you and also work as a team. You should also consult each other before making any decision which affects both of you. This not only improves the binding with each other but also states that his/her say is equally important in a decision.
Especially of great importance is the fact that both partners should be at an equal level. No one person should try to be superior or put the other person down or even feel inferior. In a marriage both the partners are equal irrespective of their financial background, their educational qualification or other such things.
Be More Positive Than Negative. There's a more effective way to air grievances than to file an angry complaint. Sandwich your negative comment between two positives. If you want to complain about how he's always late, for example, try something like ". You know, I love that youre so laid-back and easygoing, but it really bothers me when you show up so late. Im sure you can still be the fun guy I adore and also be on time. Los Angeles psychologist Yvonne Thomas, PhD
If You Are Think That Every Thing Has Just Ended" Think Again! Now You Can Use These Poweful Tactics To Win Your Ex Back Today!
Faithfulness is always needed in a successful relationship. We can rely on a faithful person because we know what type of person they are. When there is faithfulness present lives are more fulfilled and complete. Even if there are some problems, faithfulness can see us through it.
Keep things interesting. While routines can be simple to follow, it's important to think outside of the box in your relationship to keep an aspect of excitement present. Take a spontaneous trip, or pick up a new hobby with your loved one to help add a little touch of excitement to the relationship. It often works wonders in helping couples that have been going through the same motions for years and years.
Laugh a Lot
Did you pay the credit card bill? Did you do the dishes? Did you pick up the diapers? Life happens, but, every now and then, dedicate some time to being silly and having fun: dance around your living room, eat burritos while wearing sombreros, have your own little wine and cheesy music party...